Research Article

An Evaluation of the Aboistop Citronella-Spray Collar as a Treatment for Barking of Domestic Dogs

Table 2

Operational definitions of behavioural reactions based on those observed in the studies of Piette [18] and Brunelat [11].


HidingSubject uses a physical structure to conceal itself (e.g., under a bed or table).
AggressionThe display of typical defence reflexes such as biting, growling, or attacks towards animate or inanimate object.
Momentary inhibitionSubject remains still for a few seconds without showing any other behavioural reaction.
EscapeSubject attempts to run away from the location in which the spray was released.
SneezingSubject sneezes once or several times immediately after the discharge of citronella.
TremblingNoticeable trembling.
ProstrationLying down.
Head shakingSubject briskly shakes its head from left to right as it generally does after a bath.
OtherOther unspecified behaviours are reported as they appear.