
We construct the fundamental solution of system of differential equations in the theory of thermomicrostretch elastic diffusive solids in case of steady oscillations in terms of elementary functions. Some basic properties of the fundamental solution are established. Some special cases are also discussed.

1. Introduction

Eringen [1] developed the theory of micropolar elastic solid with stretch. He derived the equations of motion, constitutive equations, and boundary conditions for the class of micropolar solid which can stretch and contract. This model introduced and explained the motion of certain class of granular and composite materials in which grains and fibres are elastic along the direction of their major axis. This theory is generalization of the theory of micropolar elasticity [2, 3]. Eringen [4] developed a theory of thermomicrostretch elastic solid in which he included microstructural expansions and contractions. Microstretch continuum is a model for Bravais lattice with a basis on the atomic level and a two-phase dipolar solid with a core on the macroscopic level. In the framework of the theory of thermomicrostretch solids, Eringen established a uniqueness theorem for the mixed initial boundary value problem. The theory was illustrated with the solution of one-dimensional waves and compared with lattice dynamical results. The asymptotic behavior of solutions and an existence result were presented by Bofill and Quintanilla [5]. A reciprocal theorem and a representation of Galerkin type were presented by De Cicco and Nappa [6].

In classical theory of thermoelasticity, Fourier's heat conduction theory assumes that the thermal disturbances propagate at infinite speed which is unrealistic from the physical point of view. Lord and Shulman [7] incorporates a flux rate term into Fourier’s law of heat conduction and formulates a generalized theory admitting finite speed for thermal signals. Lord and Shulman [7] theory of generalized thermoelasticity has been further extended to homogeneous anisotropic heat conducting materials recommended by Dhaliwal and Sherief [8]. All these theories predict a finite speed of heat propagation. Chanderashekhariah [9] refers to this wave-like thermal disturbance as second sound. A survey article of various representative theories in the range of generalized thermoelasticity has been brought out by Hetnarski and Ignaczak [10].

Diffusion is defined as the spontaneous movement of the particles from a high-concentration region to the low-concentration region, and it occurs in response to a concentration gradient expressed as the change in the concentration due to change in position. Thermal diffusion utilizes the transfer of heat across a thin liquid or gas to accomplish isotope separation. Today, thermal diffusion remains a practical process to separate isotopes of noble gases (e.g., xenon) and other light isotopes (e.g., carbon) for research purposes. In most of the applications, the concentration is calculated using what is known as Fick’s law. This is a simple law which does not take into consideration the mutual interaction between the introduced substance and the medium into which it is introduced or the effect of temperature on this interaction. However, there is a certain degree of coupling with temperature and temperature gradients as temperature speeds up the diffusion process. The thermodiffusion in elastic solids is due to coupling of fields of temperature, mass diffusion and that of strain in addition to heat and mass exchange with the environment.

Nowacki [1114] developed the theory of thermoelastic diffusion by using coupled thermoelastic model. Dudziak and Kowalski [15] and Olesiak and Pyryev [16], respectively, discussed the theory of thermodiffusion and coupled quasistationary problems of thermal diffusion for an elastic layer. They studied the influence of cross-effects arising from the coupling of the fields of temperature, mass diffusion, and strain due to which the thermal excitation results in additional mass concentration and that generates additional fields of temperature. Uniqueness and reciprocity theorems for the equations of generalized thermoelastic diffusion problem, in isotropic media, were proved by Sherief et al. [17] on the basis of the variational principle equations, under restrictive assumptions on the elastic coefficients. Due to the inherit complexity of the derivation of the variational principle equations, Aouadi [18] proved this theorem in the Laplace transform domain, under the assumption that the functions of the problem are continuous and the inverse Laplace transform of each is also unique. Aouadi [19] derived the uniqueness and reciprocity theorems for the generalized problem in anisotropic media, under the restriction that the elastic, thermal conductivity and diffusion tensors are positive definite.

To investigate the boundary value problems of the theory of elasticity and thermoelasticity by potential method, it is necessary to construct a fundamental solution of systems of partial differential equations and to establish their basic properties, respectively. Hetnarski [20, 21] was the first to study the fundamental solutions in the classical theory of coupled thermoelasticity. The fundamental solutions in the microcontinuum fields theories have been constructed by Svanadze [22], Svanadze and De Cicco [23], and Svanadze and Tracina [24]. The information related to fundamental solutions of differential equations is contained in the books of Hörmander [25, 26].

In this paper, the fundamental solution of system of equations in the case of steady oscillations is considered in terms of elementary functions and basic properties of the fundamental solution are established. Some special cases of interest are also discussed.

2. Basic Equations

Let 𝐱=(𝑥1,𝑥2,𝑥3) be the point of the Euclidean three-dimensional space E3: |𝐱|=(𝑥21+𝑥22+𝑥23)1/2,  𝐃𝐱=(𝜕/𝜕𝑥1,𝜕/𝜕𝑥2,𝜕/𝜕𝑥3) and let 𝑡 denote the time variable. Following Sherief et al. [17] and Eringen [4], the basic equations for homogeneous isotropic generalized theromicrostretch elastic diffusive solids in the absence of body forces, body couples, body loads, heat and mass diffusion sources are𝜇+𝐾Δ𝐮+(𝜆+𝜇)graddiv𝐮+𝐾curl𝝋+𝜒grad𝜓𝛽1grad𝑇𝛽2grad̈𝐶=𝜌𝑓𝐮,Δ2𝐾𝛼𝝋++𝛽graddiv𝝋+𝐾curl̈𝐮=𝜌𝑗𝑏𝝋,Δ𝑐𝜓𝜒div𝐮𝑔𝑇̈𝐶=𝜌𝜁𝜓,1+𝜏0𝜕𝛽𝜕𝑡1𝑇0̇div𝐮𝑔𝑇0̇𝜓+𝜌𝐶𝐸̇𝑇+𝑎𝑇0̇𝐶=𝐾Δ𝑇,𝐷𝛽2Δdiv𝐮++𝐷Δ𝜓+𝐷𝑎Δ𝑇𝐷𝑏Δ̇𝐶+𝐶+𝜏0̈𝐶=0,(2.1) where 𝛽1=(3𝜆+2𝜇+𝐾)𝛼𝑡, 𝛽2=(3𝜆+2𝜇+𝐾)𝛼𝑐. Here 𝛼𝑡,𝛼𝑐 are the coefficients of linear thermal expansion, and diffusion expansion, respectively; 𝐮=(𝑢1,𝑢2,𝑢3) is the displacement vector; 𝝋=(𝜑1,𝜑2,𝜑3) is the microrotation vector; 𝜓 is the microstretch function; 𝜌,𝐶𝐸 are, respectively, the density and specific heat at constant strain; 𝜆,𝜇,𝐾,𝐷,𝑎,𝑏,𝑏,𝑐,𝑓,𝑔,,𝛼,𝛽,𝐾, and 𝜒 are constitutive coefficients; 𝑗 and 𝜁 are coefficients of microintertia; 𝑇 is the temperature measured from constant temperature 𝑇0(𝑇00) and 𝐶 is the concentration; 𝜏0 is diffusion relaxation time and 𝜏0 is thermal relaxation time; Δ is the Laplacian operator. Here 𝜏0=𝜏0=0 for coupled thermoelastic diffusion model.

We define the dimensionless quantities:𝐱=𝑤1𝐱𝑐1,𝐮=𝜌𝑤1𝑐1𝐮𝛽1𝑇0,𝝋=𝜌𝑐21𝝋𝛽1𝑇0,𝜓=𝜌𝜁𝑤12𝜓𝛽1𝑇0,𝑇=𝑇𝑇0,𝐶=𝛽2𝐶𝛽1𝑇0,𝑡=𝑤1𝑡,𝜏0=𝑤1𝜏0,𝜏0=𝑤1𝜏0,𝛿1=𝜇+𝐾𝜆+2𝜇+𝐾,𝛿2=𝜆+𝜇𝜆+2𝜇+𝐾,𝛿3=𝐾𝜆+2𝜇+𝐾,𝛿4=𝜒𝜌𝜁𝑤12,𝛿5=𝑓𝑤12𝜌𝑐41,𝛿6=𝛼+𝛽𝑤12𝜌𝑐41,𝛿7=𝑗𝑤12𝑐21,𝛿8=𝑏𝜁(𝜆+2𝜇+𝐾),𝛿9=𝑐𝜌𝜁𝑤12,𝛿10=𝜒𝜆+2𝜇+𝐾,𝛿11=𝑔𝛽1,𝛿12=𝛽2,𝜁1=𝑎𝑇0𝑐21𝛽1𝑤1𝐾𝛽2,𝜁2=𝛽21𝑇0𝜌𝐾𝑤1,𝜁3=𝑔𝛽1𝑇0𝑐21𝜌𝜁𝐾𝑤13,𝑞1=𝐷𝑤1𝛽22𝜌𝑐41,𝑞2=𝐷𝑤1𝛽2𝑎𝛽1𝑐21,𝑞3=𝐷𝑤1𝑏𝑐21,𝑞4=𝐷𝛽2𝜌𝜁𝑤1𝑐21.(2.2) Here 𝑤1=𝜌𝐶𝐸𝑐21/𝐾 and 𝑐1=(𝜆+2𝜇+𝐾)/𝜌 are the characteristic frequency and longitudinal wave velocity in the medium, respectively.

Upon introducing the quantities (2.2) in the basic equations (2.1), after suppressing the primes, we obtain𝛿1Δ𝐮+𝛿2graddiv𝐮+𝛿3curl𝝋+𝛿4grad𝜓grad𝑇grad̈𝐶=𝛿𝐮,5Δ2𝛿3𝝋+𝛿6graddiv𝝋+𝛿3curl𝐮=𝛿7̈𝛿𝝋,8Δ𝛿9𝜓𝛿10div𝐮𝛿11𝑇𝛿12̈𝐶=𝜓,𝜏0𝑡𝜁2̇div𝐮𝜁3̇𝜓+̇𝑇+𝜁1̇𝐶=Δ𝑞𝑇,1Δdiv𝐮+𝑞4Δ𝜓+𝑞2Δ𝑇𝑞3Δ𝐶+𝜏0𝑐̇𝐶=0,(2.3) where𝜏0𝑡=1+𝜏0𝜕𝜕𝑡,𝜏0𝑐=1+𝜏0𝜕.𝜕𝑡(2.4) We assume the displacement vector, microrotation, microstretch, temperature change, and concentration functions as𝐮(𝐱,𝑡),𝝋(𝐱,𝑡),𝜓(𝐱,𝑡),𝑇(𝐱,𝑡),𝐶(𝐱,𝑡)=Re𝐮,𝝋,𝜓𝑒,𝑇,𝐶𝜄𝜔𝑡,(2.5) where 𝜔 is oscillation frequency and 𝜔>0.

Using (2.5) into (2.3), we obtain the system of equations of steady oscillations as𝛿1Δ+𝜔2𝐮+𝛿2graddiv𝐮+𝛿3curl𝝋+𝛿4grad𝜓𝛿grad𝑇grad𝐶=𝟎,5Δ+𝜇𝝋+𝛿6graddiv𝝋+𝛿3curl𝐮=𝟎,𝛿10𝛿div𝐮+8Δ+𝜁𝜓𝛿11𝑇𝛿12𝐶=0,𝜏𝑡10𝜁2div𝐮𝜁3𝜓+𝜁1𝐶+Δ𝜏𝑡10𝑞𝑇=0,1Δdiv𝐮+𝑞4Δ𝜓+𝑞2Δ𝑇𝑞3Δ𝐶+𝜏𝑐10𝐶=0,(2.6) where𝜏𝑡10=𝜄𝜔1𝜄𝜔𝜏0,𝜏𝑐10=𝜄𝜔1𝜄𝜔𝜏0,𝜇=𝛿7𝜔22𝛿3,𝜁=𝜔2𝛿9.(2.7)

We introduce the matrix differential operator𝐅𝐃𝐱=𝐹𝑔𝐃𝐱9×9,(2.8) where𝐹𝑚𝑛𝐃𝐱=𝛿1Δ+𝜔2𝛿𝑚𝑛+𝛿2𝜕2𝜕𝑥𝑚𝜕𝑥𝑛,𝐹𝑚,𝑛+3𝐃𝐱=𝐹𝑚+3,𝑛𝐃𝐱=𝛿33𝑟=1𝜀𝑚𝑟𝑛𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑟,𝐹𝑚7𝐃𝐱=𝛿4𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑚,𝐹𝑚8𝐃𝐱=𝐹𝑚9𝐃𝐱𝜕=𝜕𝑥𝑚,𝐹𝑚+3,𝑛+3𝐃𝐱=𝛿5Δ+𝜇𝛿𝑚𝑛+𝛿6𝜕2𝜕𝑥𝑚𝜕𝑥𝑛,𝐹𝑚+3,7𝐃𝐱=𝐹7,𝑛+3𝐃𝐱=𝐹𝑚+3,8𝐃𝐱=𝐹8,𝑛+3𝐃𝐱=𝐹𝑚+3,9𝐃𝐱=𝐹9,𝑛+3𝐃𝐱𝐹=0,7𝑛𝐃𝐱=𝛿10𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑛,𝐹77𝐃𝐱=𝛿8Δ+𝜁,𝐹78𝐃𝐱=𝛿11,𝐹79𝐃𝐱=𝛿12,𝐹8𝑛𝐃𝐱=𝜁2𝜏𝑡10𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑛,𝐹87𝐃𝐱=𝜁3𝜏𝑡10,𝐹88𝐃𝐱=Δ𝜏𝑡10,𝐹89=𝜁1𝜏𝑡10,𝐹9𝑛𝐃𝐱=𝑞1Δ𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑛,𝐹97𝐃𝐱=𝑞4Δ,𝐹98𝐃𝐱=𝑞2𝐹Δ,99𝐃x=𝑞3Δ+𝜏𝑐10,𝑚,𝑛=1,2,3.(2.9) Here 𝜀𝑚𝑟𝑛 is alternating tensor and 𝛿𝑚𝑛 is the Kronecker delta function.

The system of equations (2.6) can be written as𝐅𝐃𝐱𝐔(𝐱)=𝟎,(2.10) where 𝐔=(𝐮,𝝋,𝜓,𝑇,𝐶) is a nine-component vector function on E3.

Definition 2.1. The fundamental solution of the system of equations (2.6) (the fundamental matrix of operator 𝐅) is the matrix 𝐆(𝐱)=𝐺𝑔(𝐱)9×9 satisfying condition [25] 𝐅𝐃𝐱𝐆(𝐱)=𝛿(𝐱)𝐈(𝐱),(2.11) where 𝛿 is the Dirac delta, 𝐈=𝛿𝑔9×9 is the unit matrix, and 𝐱𝜖E3.
Now we construct 𝐆(𝐱) in terms of elementary functions.

3. Fundamental Solution of System of Equations of Steady Oscillations

We consider the system of equations𝛿1Δ𝐮+𝛿2graddiv𝐮+𝛿3curl𝝋𝛿10grad𝜓𝜁2𝜏𝑡10grad𝑇+𝑞1grad𝐶+𝜔2𝐮=𝐇,𝛿(3.1)5Δ+𝜇𝝋+𝛿6graddiv𝝋+𝛿3curl𝐮=𝐇𝛿,(3.2)4𝛿div𝐮+8Δ+𝜁𝜓+𝜁3𝜏𝑡10𝑇+𝑞4𝐶=𝑍,(3.3)div𝐮𝛿11𝜓+Δ𝜏𝑡10𝑇+𝑞2𝐶=𝐿,(3.4)Δdiv𝐮𝛿12Δ𝜓𝜁1𝜏𝑡10Δ𝑇𝑞3Δ𝐶+𝜏𝑐10𝐶=𝑀,(3.5) where 𝐇 and 𝐇 are three-component vector functions on E3and 𝑍,𝐿, and 𝑀 are scalar functions on E3.

The system of equations (3.1)–(3.5) may be written in the form𝐅tr𝐃𝐱𝐔(𝐱)=𝐐(𝐱),(3.6) where 𝐅tr is the transpose of matrix 𝐅, 𝐐=(𝐇,𝐇,𝑍,𝐿,𝑀), and 𝐱𝜖E3.

Applying the operator div to (3.1) and (3.2), we obtainΔ+𝜔2div𝐮𝛿10Δ𝜓𝜁2𝜏𝑡10Δ𝑇+𝑞1Δ𝐶=div𝐇,𝜐Δ+𝜇div𝝋=div𝐇,𝛿4𝛿div𝐮+8Δ+𝜁𝜓+𝜁3𝜏𝑡10𝑇+𝑞4𝐶=𝑍,div𝐮𝛿11𝜓+Δ𝜏𝑡10𝑇+𝑞2𝐶=𝐿,Δdiv𝐮𝛿12Δ𝜓𝜁1𝜏𝑡10Δ𝑇𝑞3Δ𝐶+𝜏𝑐10𝐶=𝑀,(3.7) where 𝜐=𝛿5+𝛿6.

Equations (3.7)1, (3.7)3, (3.7)4, and (3.7)5 may be written in the form𝐍(Δ)𝐒=𝐐,(3.8) where 𝐒=(div𝐮,𝜓,𝑇,𝐶), 𝐐=(𝑑1,𝑑2,𝑑3,𝑑4)=(div𝐇,𝑍,𝐿,𝑀), and𝑁𝐍(Δ)=𝑚𝑛(Δ)4×4=Δ+𝜔2𝛿10Δ𝜁2𝜏𝑡10Δ𝑞1Δ𝛿4𝛿8Δ+𝜁𝜁3𝜏𝑡10𝑞41𝛿11Δ𝜏𝑡10𝑞2Δ𝛿12Δ𝜁1𝜏𝑡10Δ𝑞3Δ+𝜏𝑐104×4.(3.9) Equations (3.7)1, (3.7)3, (3.7)4, and (3.7)5 may be also written asΓ1(Δ)𝐒=𝚿,(3.10) whereΨ𝚿=1,Ψ2,Ψ3,Ψ4,Ψ𝑛=𝑒4𝑚=1𝑁𝑚𝑛𝑑𝑚,Γ1(Δ)=𝑒det𝐍(Δ),𝑒1=𝑞3𝛿9,𝑛=1,2,3,4,(3.11) and 𝑁𝑚𝑛 is the cofactor of the elements 𝑁𝑚𝑛 of the matrix 𝐍.

From (3.9) and (3.11), we see thatΓ1(Δ)=4𝑚=1Δ+𝜆2𝑚,(3.12) where 𝜆2𝑚, 𝑚=1,2,3,4 are the roots of the equation Γ1(𝜅)=0 (with respect to 𝜅).

From (3.7)2, it follows thatΔ+𝜆271div𝝋=𝛿div𝐇,(3.13) where 𝜆27=𝜇/𝜐.

Applying the operators 𝛿5Δ+𝜇 and 𝛿3curl to (3.1) and (3.2), respectively, we obtain𝛿5Δ+𝜇𝛿1Δ𝐮+𝛿2graddiv𝐮+𝜔2𝐮+𝛿3𝛿5Δ+𝜇=𝛿curl𝝋5Δ+𝜇𝐇+𝛿10grad𝜓+𝜁2𝜏𝑡10grad𝑇𝑞1,𝛿grad𝐶(3.14)3𝛿5Δ+𝜇curl𝝋=𝛿23curlcurl𝐮+𝛿3curl𝐇.(3.15) Nowcurlcurl𝐮=graddiv𝐮Δ𝐮.(3.16) Using (3.15) and (3.16) in (3.14), we obtain𝛿5Δ+𝜇𝛿1Δ𝐮+𝛿2graddiv𝐮+𝜔2𝐮+𝛿23Δ𝐮𝛿23=𝛿graddiv𝐮5Δ+𝜇𝐇+𝛿10grad𝜓+𝜁2𝜏𝑡10grad𝑇𝑞1grad𝐶𝛿3curl𝐇.(3.17) The above equation can also be written as𝛿5Δ+𝜇𝛿1+𝛿23𝛿Δ+5Δ+𝜇𝜔2𝐮𝛿=2𝛿5Δ+𝜇𝛿23+𝛿graddiv𝐮5Δ+𝜇𝐇+𝛿10grad𝜓+𝜁2𝜏𝑡10grad𝑇𝑞1grad𝐶𝛿3curl𝐇.(3.18) Applying the operator Γ1(Δ) to the (3.18) and using (3.10), we getΓ1(𝛿Δ)5𝛿1Δ2+𝜇𝛿1+𝛿5𝜔2+𝛿23Δ+𝜇𝜔2𝐮𝛿=2𝛿5Δ+𝜇𝛿23gradΨ1+𝛿5Δ+𝜇Γ1(Δ)𝐇+𝛿10gradΨ2+𝜁2𝜏𝑡10gradΨ3𝑞1gradΨ4𝛿3Γ1(Δ)curl𝐇.(3.19) The above equation may be written in the formΓ1(Δ)Γ2(Δ)𝐮=𝚿,(3.20) whereΓ2(Δ)=𝑓𝛿det1Δ+𝜔2𝛿3Δ𝛿3𝛿5Δ+𝜇2×2,𝑓=1𝛿1𝛿5,(3.21)𝚿=𝑓𝛿2𝛿5Δ+𝜇𝛿23gradΨ1+𝛿5Δ+𝜇Γ1(Δ)𝐇+𝛿10gradΨ2+𝜁2𝜏𝑡10gradΨ3𝑞1gradΨ4𝛿3Γ1(Δ)curl𝐇.(3.22) It can be seen thatΓ2(Δ)=Δ+𝜆25Δ+𝜆26,(3.23) where 𝜆25, 𝜆26 are the roots of the equation Γ2(𝜅)=0 (with respect to 𝜅).

Applying the operators 𝛿3curl and 𝛿1Δ+𝜔2 to (3.1) and (3.2), respectively, we obtain𝛿3𝛿1Δ+𝜔2curl𝐮=𝛿3curl𝐇𝛿23curlcurl𝝋,(3.24)𝛿1Δ+𝜔2𝛿5Δ+𝜇𝝋+𝛿6𝛿1Δ+𝜔2graddiv𝝋+𝛿3𝛿1Δ+𝜔2𝛿curl𝐮=1Δ+𝜔2𝐇.(3.25) Nowcurlcurl𝝋=graddiv𝝋Δ𝝋.(3.26) Using (3.24) and (3.26) in (3.25), we obtain𝛿1Δ+𝜔2𝛿5Δ+𝜇𝝋+𝛿6𝛿1Δ+𝜔2graddiv𝝋+𝛿23Δ𝝋𝛿23=𝛿graddiv𝝋1Δ+𝜔2𝐇𝛿3curl𝐇.(3.27) The above equation may also be written as𝛿5Δ+𝜇𝛿1+𝛿23𝛿Δ+5Δ+𝜇𝜔2𝝋𝛿=6𝛿1Δ+𝜔2𝛿23𝛿graddiv𝝋+1Δ+𝜔2𝐇𝛿3curl𝐇.(3.28) Applying the operator Δ+𝜆27 to the (3.28) and using (3.13), we getΔ+𝜆27𝛿5𝛿1Δ2+𝜇𝛿1+𝛿5𝜔2+𝛿23Δ+𝜇𝜔2𝝋=𝛿3Δ+𝜆27curl𝐇+Δ+𝜆27𝛿1Δ+𝜔2𝐇1𝜐𝛿6𝛿1Δ+𝜔2𝛿23graddiv𝐇.(3.29) The above equation may also be rewritten in the formΓ2(Δ)Δ+𝜆27𝝋=𝚿,(3.30) where𝚿=𝑓𝛿3Δ+𝜆27curl𝐇+Δ+𝜆27𝛿1Δ+𝜔2𝐇1𝜐𝛿6𝛿1Δ+𝜔2𝛿23graddiv𝐇.(3.31) From (3.10), (3.20), and (3.30), we obtain𝚯𝚿(Δ)𝐔(𝐱)=(𝐱),(3.32) where Ψ=(Ψ,Ψ,Ψ2,Ψ3,Ψ4)Θ𝚯(Δ)=𝑔(Δ)9×9,Θ𝑚𝑚(Δ)=Γ1(Δ)Γ2(Δ)=6𝑞=1Δ+𝜆2𝑞,Θ𝑚+3,𝑛+3(Δ)=Γ2(Δ)Δ+𝜆27=7𝑞=5Δ+𝜆2𝑞,Θ𝑔(Δ)=0,Θ77(Δ)=Θ88(Δ)=Θ99(Δ)=Γ1(Δ),𝑚=1,2,3,𝑔,=1,2,,9,𝑔.(3.33)

Equations (3.11), (3.22), and (3.31) can be rewritten in the form𝚿=𝑓𝛿5Δ+𝜇Γ1(Δ)𝐉+𝑞11𝐇(Δ)graddiv+𝑞21(Δ)curl𝐇+𝑞31(Δ)grad𝑍+𝑞41(Δ)grad𝐿+𝑞51𝚿(Δ)grad𝑀,=𝑞12(Δ)curl𝐇+𝑓Δ+𝜆27𝛿1Δ+𝜔2𝐉+𝑞22(𝐇Δ)graddiv,Ψ2=𝑞13(Δ)div𝐇+𝑞33(Δ)𝑍+𝑞43(Δ)𝐿+𝑞53Ψ(Δ)𝑀,3=𝑞14(Δ)div𝐇+𝑞34(Δ)𝑍+𝑞44(Δ)𝐿+𝑞54Ψ(Δ)𝑀,4=𝑞15(Δ)div𝐇+𝑞35(Δ)𝑍+𝑞45(Δ)𝐿+𝑞55(Δ)𝑀,(3.34) where 𝐉=𝛿𝑔3×3 is the unit matrix.

In (3.34), we have used the following notations: 𝑞𝑚1(Δ)=𝑓𝑒𝛿5Δ+𝜇𝛿10𝑁𝑚2+𝜁2𝜏𝑡10𝑁𝑚3𝑞1𝑁𝑚4𝛿2𝛿5Δ+𝜇𝛿23𝑁𝑚1,𝑞21(Δ)=𝑓𝛿3Γ1(Δ),𝑞12(Δ)=𝑓𝛿3Δ+𝜆27,𝑞22(𝑓Δ)=𝜐𝛿6𝛿1Δ+𝜔2𝛿23,𝑞𝑚𝑛(Δ)=𝑒𝑁𝑚𝑛,𝑚=1,3,4,5,𝑛=3,4,5.(3.35) Now from (3.34), we have that𝚿(𝐱)=𝐑tr𝐃𝐱𝐐(𝐱),(3.36) where𝑅𝐑=𝑔9×9,𝑅𝑚𝑛𝐃𝐱=𝑓𝛿5Δ+𝜇Γ1(Δ)𝛿𝑚𝑛+𝑞11(𝜕Δ)2𝜕𝑥𝑚𝜕𝑥𝑛,𝑅𝑚,𝑛+3𝐃𝐱=𝑞12(Δ)3𝑟=1𝜀𝑚𝑟𝑛𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑟,𝑅𝑚𝑝𝐃𝐱=𝑞1,𝑝4𝜕(Δ)𝜕𝑥𝑚,𝑅𝑚+3,𝑛𝐃𝐱=𝑞21(Δ)3𝑟=1𝜀𝑚𝑟𝑛𝜕𝜕𝑥𝑟,𝑅𝑚+3,𝑛+3𝐃𝐱=𝑓Δ+𝜆27𝛿1Δ+𝜔2𝛿𝑚𝑛+𝑞22𝜕(Δ)2𝜕𝑥𝑚𝜕𝑥𝑛,𝑅𝑚+3,𝑝𝐃𝐱=𝑅𝑝,𝑚+3𝐃𝐱𝑅=0,𝑝𝑚𝐃𝐱=𝑞𝑝4,1𝜕(Δ)𝜕𝑥𝑛,𝑅𝑝𝑠𝐃𝐱=𝑞𝑝4,𝑠4(Δ),𝑚=1,2,3,𝑝,𝑠=7,8,9.(3.37) From (3.6), (3.32), and (3.36), we obtain𝚯𝐔=𝐑tr𝐅tr𝐔.(3.38) It implies that𝐑tr𝐅tr𝐅𝐃=𝚯,𝐱𝐑𝐃𝐱=𝚯(Δ).(3.39) We assume that𝜆2𝑚𝜆2𝑛0,𝑚,𝑛=1,2,3,4,5,6,7𝑚𝑛.(3.40) Let𝑌𝐘(𝐱)=𝑟𝑠(𝐱)9×9,𝑌𝑚𝑚(𝐱)=6𝑛=1𝑟1𝑛𝜍𝑛(𝐱),𝑌𝑚+3,𝑚+3(𝐱)=7𝑛=5𝑟2𝑛𝜍𝑛𝑌(𝐱),77(𝐱)=𝑌88(𝐱)=𝑌99(𝐱)=4𝑛=1𝑟3𝑛𝜍𝑛𝑌(𝐱),𝑣𝑤(𝐱)=0,𝑚=1,2,3,𝑣,𝑤=1,2,,9,𝑣𝑤,(3.41) where𝜍𝑛1(𝐱)=4𝜋|𝐱|exp𝜄𝜆𝑛𝑟|𝐱|,𝑛=1,2,,7,1𝑙=6𝑚=1,𝑚𝑙𝜆2𝑚𝜆2𝑙1𝑟,𝑙=1,2,3,4,5,6,2𝑣=7𝑚=5,𝑚𝑣𝜆2𝑚𝜆2𝑣1𝑟,𝑣=5,6,7,3𝑤=4𝑚=1,𝑚𝑤𝜆2𝑚𝜆2𝑤1,𝑤=1,2,3,4.(3.42) We will prove the following lemma.

Lemma 3.1. The matrix 𝐘 defined above is the fundamental matrix of operator Θ(Δ), that is 𝚯(Δ)𝐘(𝐱)=𝛿(𝐱)𝐈(𝐱).(3.43)

Proof. To prove the lemma, it is sufficient to prove that Γ1(Δ)Γ2(Δ)𝑌11(𝐱)=𝛿(𝐱),Γ2(Δ)Δ+𝜆27𝑌44(𝐱)=𝛿(𝐱),Γ1(Δ)𝑌77(𝐱)=𝛿(𝐱).(3.44) We find that 𝑟11+𝑟12+𝑟13+𝑟14+𝑟15+𝑟16𝑟=0,12𝜆21𝜆22+𝑟13𝜆21𝜆23+𝑟14𝜆21𝜆24+𝑟15𝜆21𝜆25+𝑟16𝜆21𝜆26𝑟=0,13𝜆21𝜆23𝜆22𝜆23+𝑟14𝜆21𝜆24𝜆22𝜆24+𝑟15𝜆21𝜆25𝜆22𝜆25+𝑟16𝜆21𝜆26𝜆22𝜆26𝑟=0,14𝜆21𝜆24𝜆22𝜆24𝜆23𝜆24+𝑟15𝜆21𝜆25𝜆22𝜆25𝜆23𝜆25+𝑟16𝜆21𝜆26𝜆22𝜆26𝜆23𝜆26𝑟=0,15𝜆21𝜆25𝜆22𝜆25𝜆23𝜆25𝜆24𝜆25+𝑟16𝜆21𝜆26𝜆22𝜆26𝜆23𝜆26𝜆24𝜆26𝑟=0,16𝜆21𝜆26𝜆22𝜆26𝜆23𝜆26𝜆24𝜆25𝜆25𝜆26=1,Δ+𝜆2𝑚𝜍𝑛(𝜆𝐱)=𝛿(𝐱)+2𝑚𝜆2𝑛𝜍𝑛(𝐱),𝑚,𝑛=1,2,3,4,5,6.(3.45) Now consider Γ1(Δ)Γ2(Δ)𝑌11(𝐱)=Δ+𝜆22Δ+𝜆23Δ+𝜆24Δ+𝜆25Δ+𝜆266𝑛=1𝑟1𝑛𝜆𝛿+21𝜆2𝑛𝜍𝑛=Δ+𝜆22Δ+𝜆23Δ+𝜆24Δ+𝜆25Δ+𝜆266𝑛=2𝑟1𝑛𝜆21𝜆2𝑛𝜍𝑛=Δ+𝜆23Δ+𝜆24Δ+𝜆25Δ+𝜆266𝑛=2𝑟1𝑛𝜆21𝜆2𝑛𝜆𝛿+22𝜆2𝑛𝜍𝑛=Δ+𝜆23Δ+𝜆24Δ+𝜆25Δ+𝜆266𝑛=3𝑟1𝑛𝜆21𝜆2𝑛𝜆22𝜆2𝑛𝜍𝑛=Δ+𝜆24Δ+𝜆25Δ+𝜆266𝑛=3𝑟1𝑛𝜆21𝜆2𝑛𝜆22𝜆2𝑛𝜆𝛿+23𝜆2𝑛𝜍𝑛=Δ+𝜆24Δ+𝜆25Δ+𝜆266𝑛=4𝑟1𝑛𝜆21𝜆2𝑛𝜆22𝜆2𝑛𝜆23𝜆2𝑛𝜍𝑛=Δ+𝜆25Δ+𝜆266𝑛=4𝑟1𝑛𝜆21𝜆2𝑛𝜆22𝜆2𝑛𝜆23𝜆2𝑛𝜆𝛿+24𝜆2𝑛𝜍𝑛=Δ+𝜆266𝑛=5𝑟1𝑛𝜆21𝜆2𝑛𝜆22𝜆2𝑛𝜆23𝜆2𝑛𝜆24𝜆2𝑛𝜆𝛿+25𝜆2𝑛𝜍𝑛=Δ+𝜆26𝜍6=𝛿.(3.46) Similarly, (3.44)2 and (3.44)3 can be proved.
We introduce the matrix𝐆𝐃(𝐱)=𝐑𝐱𝐘(𝐱).(3.47) From (3.39), (3.43), and (3.47), we obtain 𝐅𝐃𝐱𝐆𝐃(𝐱)=𝐅𝐱𝐑𝐃𝐱𝐘(𝐱)=𝚯(Δ)𝐘(𝐱)=𝛿(𝐱)𝐈(𝐱).(3.48) Hence, 𝐆(𝐱) is a solution to (2.11).

Therefore we have proved the following theorem.

Theorem 3.2. The matrix 𝐆(𝐱) defined by (3.47) is the fundamental solution of system of equations (2.6).

4. Basic Properties of the Matrix G(x)

Property 1. Each column of the matrix 𝐆(𝐱) is the solution of the system of equations (2.6) at every point 𝐱𝜖E3 except the origin.

Property 2. The matrix 𝐆(𝐱) can be written in the form 𝐺𝐆=𝑔9×9,𝐆𝑚𝑛(𝐱)=𝐑𝑚𝑛𝐃𝐱𝑌11𝐆(𝐱),𝑚,𝑛+3(𝐱)=𝐑𝑚,𝑛+3𝐃𝐱𝑌44𝐆(𝐱),𝑚𝑝(𝐱)=𝐑𝑚𝑝𝐃𝐱𝑌77(𝐱),𝑚=1,2,,9,𝑛=1,2,3,𝑝=7,8,9.(4.1)

5. Special Cases

(i) If we neglect the diffusion effect, we obtain the same results for fundamental solution as discussed by Svanadze and De Cicco [23] by changing the dimensionless quantities into physical quantities in case of coupled theory of thermoelasticity.

(ii) If we neglect the thermal and diffusion effects, we obtain the same results for fundamental solution as discussed by Svanadze [22] by changing the dimensionless quantities into physical quantities.

(iii) If we neglect both micropolar and microstretch effects, the same results for fundamental solution can be obtained as discussed by Kumar and Kansal [27] in case of the Lord-Shulman theory of thermoelastic diffusion.

6. Conclusions

The fundamental solution 𝐆(𝐱) of the system of equations (2.6) makes it possible to investigate three-dimensional boundary value problems of generalized theory of thermomicrostretch elastic diffusive solids by potential method [28].


Mr. T. Kansal is thankful to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for the financial support.