Research Article

Human Machine and Thermoelectric Energy Scavenging for Wearable Devices

Figure 8

Simulated characteristics of the module of 3 cm in diameter at its different thickness, 3 mm (diamonds), 4 mm (triangles), and 6 mm (closed squares). The module is located on the leg of a subject and integrated in textile. Shown are calculated dependences of (a) the optimal temperature difference on the thermopile, (b) corresponding heat flow through the TEG, and (c) the maximum power per square centimeter of the module on temperature. Closed circles in (c) are measured with the TEG-4. Open circles show the average power measured in the TEG of electrocardiography system-in-a-shirt [16] that contains modules similar to the TEG-4. The open square shows maximum power reached by the TEG-4 at 23°C in the best location found on the chest.