Clinical Study

Effect of Social Service Prenatal Care Utilization on Perinatal Outcomes among Women with Socioeconomic Problems in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area

Table 2

Maternal complications in the study groups. #Some women had more than one complication. Data were analyzed by Fisher’s exact test. NS: not significant. Attenders were found to have a lower incidence of pregnancy-induced hypertension compared with the rate of nonattenders ( 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 ).

( 𝑛 = 8 3 )
( 𝑛 = 4 5 )
𝑃 v a l u e

Pregnancy-induced hypertension16<0.05
Previous cesarean section13NS
Breech presentation32NS
Thyroid disease02NS
Bronchial Asthma53NS
Psychiatric disorder
 Anxiety disorder101NS
 Personality disorder140<0.05
 Chlamydia trachomatis185NS
 Hepatitis B virus01NS
 Hepatitis C virus42NS