Research Article

Using Nodal Ratios to Predict Risk of Regional Recurrences in Patients Treated with Breast Conservation Therapy with 4 or More Positive Lymph Nodes

Table 1

Patient characteristics as a function of nodal ratio.

Clinical parameterLNR
š‘› (%)
š‘› (%)
š‘› (%)
š‘› (100%)

Patient age
ā€ƒ<50 years3 (15)11 (52)7 (33)21
ā€ƒā‰„50 years13 (38)11 (31)11 (31)35

Tumor size
ā€ƒT16 (21)11 (39)11 (39)28
ā€ƒT210 (36)11 (39)7 (25)28

Pathologic subtype
ā€ƒInvasive ductal16 (31)20 (38)16 (31)52
ā€ƒInvasive lobular0 (0)1 (50)1 (50)2
ā€ƒOther0 (0)1 (50)1(50)2

Estrogen status
ā€ƒPositive9 (35)11 (42)6 (23)26
ā€ƒNegative4 (19)8 (38)9 (43)21

Progesterone status
ā€ƒPositive10 (39)11 (42)5 (19)26
ā€ƒNegative3 (17)6 (33)9 (50)18

ā€ƒYes10 (63)20 (91)16 (89)46
ā€ƒNo6 (37)2 (9)2 (11)10

Abbreviations/definitions: LNR = low nodal ratio <40%; INR = Intermediate Nodal Ratio, 40%ā€“70%; HNR = High Nodal Ratio >70%.