Research Article

Management of Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in Glufosinate-Resistant Soybean (Glycine max) with Sequential Applications of Herbicides

Table 6

Palmer amaranth control and soybean yield as influenced by the glufosinate rate and number of applicationsa.

Palmer amaranth control or soybean yield
Glufosinate application timing (WAP)2011
2342010bNahunta soil seriesLynchburg soil series

Palmer amaranth control

YesNoNo82 b98 a89 b
YesNoYes97 a100 a100 a
YesYesNo99 a98 a100 a
YesYesYes98 a100 a100 a

Soybean yield (kg ha−1)

YesNoNo1040 a2950 b3030 a
YesNoYes1020 a3350 ab2990 a
YesYesNo970 a3360 a2940 a
YesYesYes1240 a3030 ab2530 b
NoNoNo600 b2780 b870 c

aMeans within a year or year and soil series combination for each parameter followed by the same letter are not significantly different according to Fisher’s Protected LSD test at . Data are pooled over glufosinate rates. Data for the nontreated control were not included in the statistical analyses to allow consideration of factorial treatment structure.
bNorfolk soil series.