Research Article

Eysenck’s Two Big Personality Factors and Their Relationship to Depression in Patients with Chronic Idiopathic Pain Disorder: A Clinimetric Validation Analysis

Table 1

Eysenck Neuroticism N23 First principal component: Eigenvalue 6.83.

No.SymptomMean scoreLoadings

84 (D)Are you sometimes bubbling over with energy and sometimes very sluggish?0.830.31
47 (A)Do you worry about your health?0.680.39
88 (D)Are you touchy about some things?0.670.33
72 (A)Do you worry too long after an embarrassing experience?0.660.55
7 (D)Do you ever feel “just miserable” for no reason?0.640.64
34 (A)Are you a worrier?0.590.74
19 (A)Are your feelings easily hurt?0.530.55
41 (A)Would you call yourself tense or “highly-strung”?0.530.44
12 (D)Do you often worry about things you should not have done or said?0.530.59
80 (D)Are you easily hurt when people find fault with you or the work you do?0.520.45
58 (D)Have you often felt listless and tired for no reason?0.500.63
31 (A)Would you call yourself a nervous person?0.470.59
38 (A)Do you worry about awful things that might happen?0.490.53
3 (D)Does your mood often go up and down?0.450.71
23 (D)Do you often feel “fed up”?0.450.71
15 (A)Are you an irritable person?0.440.47
66 (D)Do you worry a lot about your looks?0.410.32
54 (A)Do you suffer from sleeplessness?0.360.39
75 (D)Do you suffer from “nerves”?0.360.59
68 (D)Have you ever wished that you were dead?0.330.48
62 (D)Do you often feel life is very dull?0.320.60
27 (D)Are you often troubled about feelings of guilt?0.310.67
77 (D)Do you often feel lonely?0.240.52

Total score

A: anxiety items.
D: depression items.