Clinical Study

Frontal Plane Motion of the Pelvis and Hip during Gait Stance Discriminates Children with Diplegia Levels I and II of the GMFCS

Figure 1

(a) Average angular displacement of pelvic obliquity during the stance phase of gait of the GMFCS groups’ level I and II (b) loading vector or PC1 of pelvic obliquity; (c) mean waveforms of pelvic obliquity and high and low scores represented by adding or subtracting 1SD of the scores times the correspondent loading vector; (d) average angular displacement of the hip adduction during the stance phase of gait from the GMFCS levels I e II; (e) loading vector from hip adduction/abduction angle in the frontal plane; (f) mean waveforms of hip adduction/abduction angle and high and low scores represented by adding or subtracting 1SD of the scores times the correspondent loading vector.