
We define a new parameter 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 involving quotient of Ramanujan's function 𝜒(𝑞) for positive real numbers 𝑘 and 𝑛 and study its several properties. We prove some general theorems for the explicit evaluations of the parameter 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and find many explicit values. Some values of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 are then used to find some new and known values of Ramanujan's class invariant 𝐺𝑛.

1. Introduction

In Chapter 16 of his second notebook [1], Ramanujan develops the theory of theta-function. Ramanujan's general theta-function is defined by 𝑓(𝑎,𝑏)=𝑛=𝑎𝑛(𝑛+1)/2𝑏𝑛(𝑛1)/2,||||𝑎𝑏<1.(1) After Ramanujan, for |𝑞|<1, we define 𝑓(𝑞)=𝑓𝑞,𝑞2=𝑛=(1)𝑛𝑞𝑛(3𝑛1)/2=(𝑞;𝑞),(2) where (𝑎;𝑞)=𝑛=0(1𝑎𝑞𝑛). If 𝑞=𝑒2𝜋𝑖𝑧 with Im(𝑧)>0, then 𝑓(𝑞)=𝑞1/24𝜂(𝑧), where 𝜂(𝑧) denotes the classical Dedekind eta function.

Ramanujan's function 𝜒(𝑞) is defined by 𝜒(𝑞)=𝑓(𝑞)𝑓𝑞2=𝑞;𝑞2.(3) The function 𝜒(𝑞) is intimately connected to Ramanujan's class invariants 𝐺𝑛 and 𝑔𝑛, which are defined by 𝐺𝑛=21/4𝑞1/24𝜒(𝑞),𝑔𝑛=21/4𝑞1/24𝜒(𝑞),(4) where 𝑞=𝑒𝜋𝑛 and 𝑛 is a positive rational number. Since from [2, page 124, Entry 12(v) & (vi)] 𝜒(𝑞)=21/6𝛼(1𝛼)𝑞1/24,𝜒(𝑞)=21/6(1𝛼)1/12𝛼𝑞1/24,(5) it follows from (4) that 𝐺𝑛={4𝛼(1𝛼)}1/24,𝑔𝑛=21/12(1𝛼)1/12𝛼1/24.(6) Also, if 𝛽 has degree 𝑟 over 𝛼, then 𝐺𝑟2𝑛={4𝛽(1𝛽)}1/24,𝑔𝑟2𝑛=21/12(1𝛽)1/12𝛽1/24.(7) In his notebooks [1] and paper [3], Ramanujan recorded a total of 116 class invariants or monic polynomials satisfied by them. The table at the end of Weber's book [4, page 721–726] also contains the values of 107 class invariants. Weber primarily was motivated to calculate class invariants so that he could construct Hilbert class fields. On the other hand Ramanujan calculated class invariants to approximate 𝜋 and probably for finding explicit values of Rogers-Ramanujan continued fractions, theta-functions, and so on. An account of Ramanujan's class invariants and applications can be found in Berndt's book [5]. For further references, see [612].

Ramanujan and Weber independently and many others in the literature calculated class invariants 𝐺𝑛 for odd values of 𝑛 and 𝑔𝑛 for even values of 𝑛. For the first time, Yi [13] calculated some values of 𝑔𝑛 for odd values of 𝑛 by finding explicit values of the parameter 𝑟𝑘,𝑛 (see [13, page 11, (2.1.1)] or [14, page 4, (1.11)]) defined by 𝑟𝑘,𝑛=𝑓(𝑞)𝑘1/4𝑞(𝑘1)/24𝑓𝑞𝑘,𝑞=𝑒2𝜋𝑛/𝑘.(8) In particular, she established the result [13, page 18, Theorem 2.2.3] 𝑔𝑛=𝑟2,𝑛/2.(9) However, the values of 𝐺𝑛 for even values of 𝑛 have not been calculated. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate some new values of 𝐺𝑛 for even values of 𝑛. We also prove some known values of 𝐺𝑛. For evaluation of class invariant 𝐺𝑛 in this paper, we introduce the parameter 𝐼𝑘,𝑛, which is defined as 𝐼𝑘,𝑛=𝜒(𝑞)𝑞(𝑘+1)/24𝜒𝑞𝑘,𝑞=𝑒𝜋𝑛/𝑘,(10) where 𝑘 and 𝑛 are positive real numbers.

In Section 3, we study some properties of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and also establish its relations with Ramanujan's class invariant 𝐺𝑛. In Section 4, by employing Ramanujan's modular equations, we present some general theorems for the explicit evaluations of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and find several explicit values of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛. In Section 5, we establish some general theorems connecting the parameter 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and the class invariant 𝐺𝑛. We also evaluate some explicit values of the product 𝐺𝑛𝑘𝐺𝑛/𝑘 by employing some values of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 evaluated in Section 4. Finally, in Section 6, we calculate new and known values of class invariant 𝐺𝑛 by combining the explicit values of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and the product 𝐺𝑛𝑘𝐺𝑛/𝑘 evaluated in Sections 4 and 5, respectively. Section 2 is devoted to record some preliminary results.

Since Ramanujan's modular equations are key in our evaluations of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and 𝐺𝑛, we complete this introduction by defining Ramanujan's modular equation from Berndt's book [2]. The complete elliptic integral of the first kind 𝐾(𝑘) is defined by 𝐾(𝑘)=0𝜋/2𝑑𝜙1𝑘2sin2𝜙=𝜋2𝑛=0(1/2)2𝑛(𝑛!)2𝑘2𝑛=𝜋22𝐹112,12;1;𝑘2,(11) where 0<𝑘<1, 2𝐹1 denotes the ordinary or Gaussian hypergeometric function, and (𝑎)𝑛=𝑎(𝑎+1)(𝑎+2)(𝑎+𝑛1).(12) The number 𝑘 is called the modulus of 𝐾, and 𝑘=1𝑘2 is called the complementary modulus. Let 𝐾,𝐾, 𝐿, and 𝐿 denote the complete elliptic integrals of the first kind associated with the moduli 𝑘, 𝑘, 𝑙, and 𝑙, respectively. Suppose that the equality 𝑛𝐾𝐾=𝐿𝐿(13) holds for some positive integer 𝑛. Then, a modular equation of degree 𝑛 is a relation between the moduli 𝑘 and 𝑙, which is implied by (13).

If we set 𝐾𝑞=exp𝜋𝐾,𝑞𝐿=exp𝜋𝐿,(14) we see that (13) is equivalent to the relation 𝑞𝑛=𝑞. Thus, a modular equation can be viewed as an identity involving theta-functions at the arguments 𝑞 and 𝑞𝑛. Ramanujan recorded his modular equations in terms of 𝛼 and 𝛽, where 𝛼=𝑘2 and 𝛽=𝑙2. We say that 𝛽 has degree 𝑛 over 𝛼. The multiplier 𝑚 connecting 𝛼 and 𝛽 is defined by 𝐾𝑚=𝐿.(15) Ramanujan also established many “mixed” modular equations in which four distinct moduli appear, which we define from Berndt's book [2, page 325].

Let 𝐾, 𝐾, 𝐿1, 𝐿1, 𝐿2, 𝐿2, 𝐿3, and 𝐿3 denote complete elliptic integrals of the first kind corresponding, in pairs, to the moduli 𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾, and 𝛿 and their complementary moduli, respectively. Let 𝑛1, 𝑛2, and 𝑛3 be positive integers such that 𝑛3=𝑛1𝑛2. Suppose that the equalities 𝑛1𝐾𝐾=𝐿1𝐿1,𝑛2𝐾𝐾=𝐿2𝐿2,𝑛3𝐾𝐾=𝐿3𝐿3(16) hold. Then, a “mixed” modular equation is a relation between the moduli 𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾, and 𝛿 that is induced by (16). In such an instance, we say that 𝛽, 𝛾, and 𝛿 are of degrees 𝑛1, 𝑛2, and 𝑛3, respectively, over 𝛼 or 𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾, and 𝛿 have degrees 1, 𝑛1, 𝑛2, and 𝑛3, respectively. Denoting 𝑧𝑟=𝜙2(𝑞𝑟), where 𝑞=exp𝜋𝐾𝐾||𝑞||,𝜙(𝑞)=𝑓(𝑞,𝑞),<1(17) the multipliers 𝑚 and 𝑚 associated with 𝛼, 𝛽, and 𝛾, 𝛿, respectively, are defined by 𝑚=𝑧1/𝑧𝑛1 and 𝑚=𝑧𝑛2/𝑧𝑛3.

2. Preliminary Results

Lemma 1 (see [2, page 43, Entry 27(v)]). If 𝛼 and 𝛽 are such that the modulus of each exponential argument is less than 1 and 𝛼𝛽=𝜋2, then 𝑒𝛼/24𝜒(𝑒𝛼)=𝑒𝛽/24𝜒𝑒𝛽.(18)

Lemma 2 (see [15, page 241, Lemma 2.3]). Let 𝑋=𝑞1/12(𝜒(𝑞)/𝜒(𝑞3)) and 𝑌=𝑞1/6(𝜒(𝑞2)/𝜒(𝑞6)); then 𝑋𝑌12+𝑌𝑋12+𝑋𝑌6+𝑌𝑋6×(𝑋𝑌)10+(𝑋𝑌)10+16(𝑋𝑌)6+(𝑋𝑌)6+71(𝑋𝑌)2+(𝑋𝑌)2=(𝑋𝑌)12+(𝑋𝑌)12+25(𝑋𝑌)8+(𝑋𝑌)8+200(𝑋𝑌)4+(𝑋𝑌)4+550.(19)

Lemma 3 (see [15, page 241, Lemma 2.8]). Let 𝑋=𝑞1/6(𝜒(𝑞)/𝜒(𝑞5)) and 𝑌=𝑞1/3(𝜒(𝑞2)/𝜒(𝑞10)); then 𝑋𝑌3+𝑌𝑋3(𝑋𝑌)5+(𝑋𝑌)5+8(𝑋𝑌)3+(𝑋𝑌)3+19𝑋𝑌+(𝑋𝑌)1+𝑋𝑌6+𝑌𝑋6=(𝑋𝑌)6+(𝑋𝑌)6(+13𝑋𝑌)4+(𝑋𝑌)4+52(𝑋𝑌)2+(𝑋𝑌)2+82.(20)

Lemma 4 (see [15, page 252, Lemma 2.13]). Let 𝑋=𝑞1/4(𝜒(𝑞)/𝜒(𝑞7)) and 𝑌=𝑞1/2(𝜒(𝑞2)/𝜒(𝑞14)); then 𝑋𝑌12+𝑌𝑋12𝑋+16𝑌10+𝑌𝑋10(𝑋𝑌)2+(𝑋𝑌)2𝑋+8𝑌8+𝑌𝑋87(𝑋𝑌)4+(𝑋𝑌)4+𝑋19𝑌6+𝑌𝑋6×(𝑋𝑌)10+(𝑋𝑌)10+32(𝑋𝑌)6+(𝑋Y)6(81𝑋𝑌)2+(𝑋𝑌)2+𝑋𝑌4+𝑌𝑋416(𝑋𝑌)8+(𝑋𝑌)8288(𝑋𝑌)4+(𝑋𝑌)4+𝑋+352𝑌2+𝑌𝑋2296(𝑋𝑌)2+(𝑋𝑌)2256(𝑋𝑌)6+(𝑋𝑌)68(𝑋𝑌)10+(𝑋𝑌)10=+1746(𝑋𝑌)12+(𝑋𝑌)12+145(𝑋𝑌)8+(𝑋𝑌)8+496(𝑋𝑌)4+(𝑋𝑌)4.(21)

Lemma 5 (see [2, page 231, Entry 5(xii)]). Let 𝑃={16𝛼𝛽(1𝛼)(1𝛽)}1/8 and 𝑄=(𝛽(1𝛽)/𝛼(1𝛼))1/4; then 𝑄+𝑄1+22𝑃𝑃1=0,(22) where 𝛽 has degree 3 over 𝛼.

Lemma 6 (see [2, page 282, Entry 13(xiv)]). Let 𝑃={16𝛼𝛽(1𝛼)(1𝛽)}1/12 and 𝑄=(𝛽(1𝛽)/𝛼(1𝛼))1/8; then 𝑄+𝑄1+2𝑃𝑃1=0,(23) where 𝛽 has degree 5 over 𝛼.

Lemma 7 (see [2, page 315, Entry 13(xiv)]). Let 𝑃={16𝛼𝛽(1𝛼)(1𝛽)}1/8 and 𝑄=(𝛽(1𝛽)/𝛼(1𝛼))1/6; then 𝑄+𝑄1+7=22𝑃+𝑃1=0,(24) where 𝛽 has degree 7 over 𝛼.

Lemma 8 (see [5, page 378, Entry 41]). Let 𝑃=21/6{𝛼𝛽(1𝛼)(1𝛽)}1/24 and 𝑄=(𝛽(1𝛽)/𝛼(1𝛼))1/24; then 𝑄7+𝑄7𝑄+135+𝑄5𝑄+523+𝑄3+78𝑄+𝑄1𝑃86+𝑃6=0,(25) where 𝛽 has degree 13 over 𝛼.

For Lemmas 9 to 15, we set 𝑃=(256𝛼𝛽𝛾𝛿(1𝛼)(1𝛽)(1𝛾)(1𝛿))1/48,𝑄=𝛼𝛿(1𝛼)(1𝛿)𝛽𝛾(1𝛽)(1𝛾)1/48,𝑅=𝛾𝛿(1𝛾)(1𝛿)𝛼𝛽(1𝛼)(1𝛽)1/48,𝑇=𝛽𝛿(1𝛽)(1𝛿)𝛼𝛾(1𝛼)(1𝛾)1/48.(26)

Lemma 9 (see [5, page 381, Entry 50]). If 𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾, and 𝛿 have degrees 1, 5, 7, and 35, respectively, then 𝑅4+𝑅4𝑄6+𝑄6𝑄+54+𝑄4𝑄102+𝑄2+15=0.(27)

Lemma 10 (see [5, page 381, Entry 51]). If 𝛼,𝛽,𝛾, and 𝛿 have degrees 1, 13, 3, and 39, respectively, then 𝑄4+𝑄4𝑄32+𝑄2𝑇2+𝑇2+3=0.(28)

Lemma 11 (see [5, page 381, Entry 52]). If 𝛼,𝛽,𝛾, and 𝛿 have degrees 1, 13, 5, and 65, respectively, then 𝑄6+𝑄65𝑄+𝑄12𝑇+𝑇12𝑇4+𝑇4=0.(29)

Lemma 12 (see [16, page 277, Lemma 3.1]). If 𝛼,𝛽,𝛾, and 𝛿 have degrees 1, 3, 7, and 21, respectively, then 𝑅2+𝑅2𝑄4𝑄4+3=0.(30)

Lemma 13 (see [15, page 243, Theorem 2.5]). If 𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾, and 𝛿 have degrees 1, 2, 3, and 6, respectively, then 𝑅4+𝑅4+𝑃22𝑃2=0.(31)

Lemma 14 (see [15, page 248, Theorem 2.10]). If 𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾 and 𝛿 have degrees 1, 2, 5, and 10, respectively, then 𝑅6+𝑅6𝑅+52+𝑅2=4𝑃4𝑃4.(32)

Lemma 15 (see [15, page 252, Theorem 2.12]). If 𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾 and 𝛿 have degrees 1, 2, 7, and 14, respectively, then 22𝑇3+𝑇3=4𝑃12𝑃+4𝑃3𝑃5.(33)

3. Properties of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛

In this section, we study some properties of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛. We also establish a relation connecting 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and Ramanujan's class invariants 𝐺𝑛.

Theorem 16. For all positive real numbers 𝑘 and 𝑛, one has (i)𝐼𝑘,1=1,(ii)𝐼𝑘,1𝑛=1𝐼𝑘,𝑛,(iii)𝐼𝑘,𝑛=𝐼𝑛,𝑘.(34)

Proof . Using the definition of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and Lemma 1, we easily arrive at (i). Replacing 𝑛 by 1/𝑛 in 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and using Lemma 1, we find that 𝐼𝑘,𝑛𝐼𝑘,1/𝑛=1, which completes the proof of (ii). To prove (iii), we use Lemma 1 in the definition of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 to arrive at (𝐼𝑘,𝑛/𝐼𝑛,𝑘)=1.

Remark 17. By using the definitions of 𝜒(𝑞) and 𝐼𝑘,𝑛, it can be seen that 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 has positive real value less than 1 and that the values of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 decrease as 𝑛 increases when 𝑘>1. Thus, by Theorem 16(i), 𝐼𝑘,𝑛<1 for all 𝑛>1 if 𝑘>1.

Theorem 18. For all positive real numbers k, m, and n, one has 𝐼𝑘,𝑛/𝑚=𝐼𝑚𝑘,𝑛𝐼1𝑛𝑘,𝑚.(35)

Proof. Using the definition of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛, we obtain 𝐼𝑚𝑘,𝑛𝐼𝑛𝑘,𝑚=𝜒𝑒𝜋𝑛/𝑚𝑘𝑒𝜋(𝑚/𝑛𝑘𝑛/𝑚𝑘)/24𝜒𝑒𝜋𝑚/𝑛𝑘.(36) Using Lemma 1 in the denominator of the right-hand side of (36) and simplifying, we complete the proof.

Corollary 19. For all positive real numbers k and n, one has 𝐼𝑘2,𝑛=𝐼𝑛𝑘,𝑛𝐼𝑘,𝑛/𝑘.(37)

Proof. Setting 𝑘=𝑛 in Theorem 18 and simplifying using Theorem 16(ii), we obtain 𝐼𝑘2,𝑚=𝐼𝑚𝑘,𝑘𝐼𝑘,𝑚/𝑘.(38) Replacing 𝑚 by 𝑛, we complete the proof.

Theorem 20. Let k, a, b, c, and d be positive real numbers such that ab=cd. Then 𝐼𝑎,𝑏𝐼𝑘𝑐,𝑘𝑑=𝐼𝑘𝑎,𝑘𝑏𝐼𝑐,𝑑.(39)

Proof. From the definition of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛, we deduce that, for positive real numbers 𝑘,𝑎,𝑏,𝑐, and 𝑑, 𝐼𝑘𝑎,𝑘𝑏𝐼1𝑎,𝑏=𝜒𝑒𝜋𝑎𝑏𝑒𝜋(𝑘𝑎𝑏𝑎𝑏)/24𝜒𝑒𝑘𝜋𝑎𝑏𝐼𝑘𝑐,𝑘𝑑𝐼1𝑐,𝑑=𝜒𝑒𝜋𝑐𝑑𝑒𝜋(𝑘𝑐𝑑𝑐𝑑)/24𝜒𝑒𝑘𝜋𝑐𝑑.(40) Now the result follows readily from (40), and the hypothesis that 𝑎𝑏=𝑐𝑑.

Corollary 21. For any positive real numbers 𝑛 and 𝑝, we have 𝐼𝑛𝑝,𝑛𝑝=𝐼𝑛𝑝2,𝑛𝐼𝑝,𝑝.(41)

Proof. The result follows immediately from Theorem 20 with 𝑎=𝑝2,𝑏=1,𝑐=𝑑=𝑝, and 𝑘=𝑛.

Now, we give some relations connecting the parameter 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and Ramanujan's class invariants 𝐺𝑛.

Theorem 22. Let 𝑘 and 𝑛 be any positive real numbers. Then (i)𝐼𝑘,𝑛=𝐺𝑛/𝑘𝐺1𝑛𝑘,(ii)𝐺1/𝑛=𝐺𝑛.(42)

Proof. Proof of (i) follows easily from the definitions of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and 𝐺𝑛 from (10) and (4), respectively. To prove (ii), we set 𝑘=1 in part (i) and use Theorem 16(i) and (iii).

4. General Theorems and Explicit Evaluations of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛

In this section, we prove some general theorems for the explicit evaluations of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and find its explicit values.

Theorem 23. One has 𝐼3,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛12+𝐼3,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛12+𝐼3,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛6+𝐼3,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛6×𝐼3,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛10+𝐼3,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛10𝐼+163,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛6+(𝐼3,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛)6𝐼+713,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛2+𝐼3,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛2=𝐼3,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛12+𝐼3,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛12𝐼+253,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛8+𝐼3,n𝐼3,4𝑛8𝐼+2003,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛4+𝐼3,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛4+550.(43)

Proof. The proof follows easily from the definition of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and Lemma 2.

Corollary 24. One has (i)𝐼3,2=44+273345826431/12,(ii)𝐼3,4=2+366+3621/2,(iii)𝐼3,1/2=44+273+345826431/12,(iv)𝐼3,1/4=6+36+2+3621/2.(44)

Proof. Setting 𝑛=1/2 in Theorem 23 and using Theorem 16(ii), we obtain 𝐼243,2+𝐼243,2𝐼+176123,2+𝐼123,21002=0.(45) Equivalently, 𝐵2+176𝐵1004=0,(46) where 𝐵=𝐼123,2+𝐼123,2.(47) Solving (46) and using the fact in Remark 17, we obtain 𝐵=54588.(48) Employing (48) in (47), solving the resulting equation for 𝐼3,2, and noting that 𝐼3,2<1, we arrive at 𝐼3,2=44+273345826431/12.(49) This completes the proof of (i).
Again setting 𝑛=1 in Theorem 23 and using Theorem 16(i), we obtain 𝐼63,4+𝐼63,4I103,4+𝐼103,4𝐼+1663,4+𝐼63,4𝐼+7123,4+𝐼23,4𝐼=2583,4+𝐼83,4𝐼+20043,4+𝐼43,4+550.(50) Equivalently, 𝐷2+12𝐷4+4𝐷250=0,(51) where 𝐷=𝐼23,4+𝐼23,4.(52) Since the first factor of (51) is nonzero, solving the second factor, we deduce that 𝐷=2+361/2.(53) Employing (53) in (52), solving the resulting equation, and using the fact that 𝐼3,4<1, we obtain 𝐼3,4=2+366+3621/2.(54) This completes the proof of (ii).
Now (iii) and (iv) follow from (i) and (ii), respectively, and Theorem 16(ii).

Theorem 25. One has 𝐼5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛6+𝐼5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛6+𝐼5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛3+𝐼5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛3×𝐼5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛5+𝐼5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛5𝐼+85,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛3+𝐼5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛3𝐼+195,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛+𝐼5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛=𝐼5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛6+𝐼5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛6𝐼+135,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛4+𝐼5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛4𝐼+525,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛2+𝐼5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛2+82.(55)

Proof. The proof follows from Lemma 3 and the definition of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛.

Corollary 26. One has (i)𝐼5,2=14+510445140101/6,(ii)𝐼5,4=11+551/44+11+552,(iii)𝐼5,1/2=14+510+445140101/6,(iv)𝐼5,1/4=11+551/4+4+11+552.(56)

Proof. Setting 𝑛=1/2 in Theorem 25 and using Theorem 16(ii), we obtain 𝐶2+56𝐶216=0,(57) where 𝐶=𝐼65,2+𝐼65,2.(58) Solving (57) and noting the fact in Remark 17, we obtain 𝐶=28+1010.(59) Employing (59) in (58), solving the resulting equation, and noting that 𝐼5,2<1, we obtain 𝐼5,2=14+510445140101/6.(60) This completes the proof of (i).
Again, setting 𝑛=1 in Theorem 25 and using Theorem 16(i), we obtain 𝐵822𝐵44=0,(61) where 𝐵=𝐼5,4+𝐼14,5.(62) Solving (61), we obtain 𝐵=11+551/4.(63) Using (63) in (62), solving the resulting equation, and noting that 𝐼5,4<1, we arrive at 𝐼5,4=11+551/44+11+552.(64) This completes the proof of (ii).
Now (iii) and (iv) follow from (i) and (ii), respectively, and Theorem 16(ii).

Theorem 27. One has 𝐼7,𝑛𝐼4,7𝑛12+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼4,7𝑛12𝐼+167,𝑛𝐼4,7𝑛10+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼4,7𝑛10𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛2+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛2𝐼+87,𝑛𝐼4,7𝑛8+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼4,7𝑛8×7𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛4+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛4+𝐼197,𝑛𝐼4,7𝑛6+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼4,7𝑛6×𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛10+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛10𝐼+327,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛6+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛6𝐼817,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛2+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛2+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼4,7𝑛4+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼4,7𝑛4×𝐼167,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛8+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛8𝐼2887,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛4+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛4+𝐼+3527,𝑛𝐼4,7𝑛2+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼4,7𝑛2×𝐼2967,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛2+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛2𝐼2567,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛6+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛6𝐼87,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛10+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛10=𝐼+17467,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛12+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛12𝐼+1457,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛8+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛8𝐼+4967,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛4+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,4𝑛4.(65)

Corollary 28. One has (i)𝐼7,2=21/4×852+163+11624+852+163+116221/4,(ii)𝐼7,4=36+5258+4522,(iii)𝐼7,1/2=21/4,×852+163+1162+4+852+163+116221/4(iv)𝐼7,1/4=36+52+58+4522.(66)

Proof. Setting 𝑛=1/2 and simplifying using Theorem 16(ii), we obtain 𝐼247,2+𝐼247,2𝐼+32207,2+𝐼207,2𝐼40167,2+𝐼167,2𝐼96127,2+𝐼127,2𝐼19287,2+𝐼87,2𝐼+6447,2+𝐼47,2+462=0.(67) Equivalently, 𝐴2𝐴44+32𝐴342𝐴2128𝐴191=0,(68) where 𝐴=𝐼47,2+𝐼47,2.(69) By using the fact in Remark 17, it is seen that the first factor of (68) is nonzero, and so from the second factor, we deduce that 𝐴=852+163+1162.(70) Combining (69) and (70) and noting that 𝐼7,2<1, we obtain 𝐼7,2=21/4852+163+11624+852+163+116221/4.(71) This completes the proof of (i).

To prove (ii), setting 𝑛=1 and simplifying using Theorem 16(i), we arrive at 𝐸2𝐸2𝐸44+108𝐸21134=0,(72)

where 𝐸=𝐼27,4+𝐼27,4.(73)

Using the fact in Remark 17 it is seen that the first two factors of (72) are nonzero, and so solving the third factor, we obtain 𝐸=36+52.(74)

Combining (73) and (74) and noting that 𝐼7,4<1, we deduce that 𝐼7,4=36+5258+4522.(75) So the proof of (ii) is complete.

Now (iii) and (iv) follow from (i) and (ii), respectively, and Theorem 16(ii).

Theorem 29. One has 𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,25𝑛2+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,25𝑛2𝐼7,25𝑛𝐼7,𝑛3+𝐼7,25𝑛𝐼7,𝑛3𝐼+57,25𝑛𝐼7,𝑛2+𝐼7,25𝑛𝐼7,𝑛2𝐼107,25𝑛𝐼7,𝑛+𝐼7,25𝑛𝐼7,𝑛+15=0.(76)

Proof. Using (5) in Lemma 9, we find that 𝑄=𝑞𝑞𝜒5𝜒𝑞7𝑞𝜒(𝑞)𝜒35,𝑅=𝑞3/2𝑞𝜒(𝑞)𝜒5𝜒𝑞7𝜒𝑞35.(77) Setting 𝑞=𝑒𝜋𝑛/7 and using the definition of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 in (77), we get 𝐼𝑄=7,25𝑛𝐼7,𝑛1/2𝐼,𝑅=7,𝑛𝐼7,25𝑛1/2.(78) Employing (78) in (27), we complete the proof.

Corollary 30. One has (i)𝐼7,5=36+26,(ii)𝐼7,1/5=+36+26,(iii)𝐼7,25=𝑑144+𝑑2,12(iv)𝐼7,1/25=𝑑+144+𝑑2,12(79) where =5+(626105)1/3+(62+6105)1/3 and 𝑑=12+22/3(1351521)1/3+22/3(135+1521)1/3.

Proof. Setting 𝑛=1/5 in Theorem 29 and simplifying using Theorem 16(ii), we obtain 𝐼67,5+𝐼67,5𝐼547,5+𝐼47,5𝐼+1027,5+𝐼27,517=0.(80) Equivalently, 𝐻35𝐻2+7𝐻7=0,(81) where 𝐻=𝐼27,5+𝐼27,5.(82) Solving (81) and noting the fact in Remark 17, we obtain 𝐻=5+6261051/3+62+61051/33(83) Combining (82) and (83) and noting that 𝐼7,5<1, we deduce that 𝐼7,5=36+26,(84) where =5+6261051/3+62+61051/3.(85) This completes the proof of (i).
Again setting 𝑛=1 and simplifying using Theorem 16(i), we arrive at 𝑈36𝑈2+7𝑈3=0,(86) where 𝑈=𝐼7,25+𝐼17,25.(87) Solving (86) and using Remark 17, we get 𝑈=6+15921/21/3+159+21/21/33.(88) Combining (87) and (88) and noting that 𝐼7,25<1, we obtain 𝐼7,25=𝑑144+𝑑2,12(89) where 𝑑=12+22/313515211/3+22/3135+15211/3.(90) This completes the proof of (ii). Now (ii) and (iv) easily follow from (i) and (ii), respectively, and Theorem 16(ii).

Theorem 31. One has 𝐼13,𝑛𝐼13,9𝑛2+𝐼13,𝑛𝐼13,9𝑛2𝐼313,𝑛𝐼13,9𝑛+𝐼13,𝑛𝐼13,9𝑛1𝐼13,𝑛𝐼13,9𝑛+𝐼13,𝑛𝐼13,9𝑛1+3=0.(91)

Proof. Proceeding as in the proof of Theorem 29, using (5) in Lemma 10, setting 𝑞=𝑒𝜋𝑛/13, and using the definition of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛, we arrive at 𝐼𝑄=13,9𝑛𝐼13,𝑛1/2𝐼,𝑇=13,𝑛𝐼13,9𝑛1/2.(92) Employing (92) in (28), we complete the proof.

Corollary 32. One has (i)𝐼13,3=1+132+2134,(ii)𝐼13,9=2+33+432,(iii)𝐼13,1/3=1+13+2+2134,(iv)𝐼13,1/9=2+3+3+432.(93)

Proof. Setting 𝑛=1/3 in Theorem 31 and simplifying using Theorem 16(ii), we obtain 𝑉23𝑉1=0,(94) where 𝑉=𝐼213,3+𝐼213,3.(95) Solving (94) and using Remark 17, we get 𝑉=3+132.(96) Combining (95) and (96) and noting that 𝐼13,3<1, we obtain 𝐼13,3=1+132+2134.(97) So we complete the proof of (i).
Again setting 𝑛=1 and using Theorem 16(i), we obtain 𝐽24𝐽+1=0,(98) where 𝐽=𝐼13,9+𝐼113,9.(99) Solving (98) and using Remark 17, we get 𝐽=2+3.(100) Combing (99) and (100) and noting that 𝐼13,9<1, we deduce that 𝐼13,9=2+33+432.(101) So the proofs of (ii) is complete. Now the proof of (iii) and (iv) follow from (i) and (ii), respectively, and Theorem 16(ii).

Theorem 33. One has 𝐼13,25𝑛𝐼13,𝑛3𝐼13,25𝑛𝐼13,𝑛3𝐼513,25𝑛𝐼13,𝑛+𝐼13,25𝑛𝐼13,𝑛1×𝐼+213,25𝑛𝐼13,𝑛+𝐼13,25𝑛𝐼13,𝑛1𝐼+213,25𝑛𝐼13,𝑛2+𝐼13,25𝑛𝐼13,𝑛2=0.(102)

Proof. Using (5) in Lemma 11, setting 𝑞=𝑒𝜋𝑛/13, and using the definition of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛, we arrive at 𝐼𝑄=13,25𝑛𝐼13,𝑛1/2𝐼,𝑇=13,𝑛𝐼13,25𝑛1/2.(103) Employing (103) in (29), we complete the proof.

Corollary 34. One has (i)𝐼13,5=3+6558+6652,(ii)𝐼13,25=𝑐36+𝑐26,(iii)𝐼13,1/5=3+65+58+6652,(iv)𝐼13,1/25=𝑐+36+𝑐26,(104) where 𝑐=6+(10801539)1/3+(1080+1539)1/3.

Proof. Setting 𝑛=1/5 and simplifying using Theorem 16(ii), we arrive at 𝐿323𝐿42=0,(105) where 𝐿=𝐼213,5+𝐼213,5.(106) Solving (105) and using the fact in Remark 17, we obtain 𝐿=3+652.(107) Employing (107) in (106), solving the resulting equation, and noting that 𝐼13,5<1, we obtain 𝐼13,5=3+6558+6652.(108) This completes the proof of (i).
To prove (ii), setting 𝑛=1 and simplifying using Theorem 16(i), we arrive at 𝐴36𝐴223𝐴18=0,(109) where 𝐴=𝐼13,25+𝐼113,25.(110) Solving (109) and using the fact in Remark 17, we obtain 𝐴=6+108015391/3+1080+15391/33.(111) Employing (111) and (110), solving the resulting equation, and noting that 𝐼13,25<1, we obtain 𝐼13,25=𝑐36+𝑐26,(112) where 𝑐=6+(10801539)1/3+(1080+1539)1/3.
This completes the proof of (ii). Now the proofs of (iii) and (iv) follow from (i) and (ii), respectively, and Theorem 16(ii).

Theorem 35. One has 𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,9𝑛+𝐼7,𝑛𝐼7,9𝑛1𝐼7,9𝑛𝐼7,𝑛2+𝐼7,9𝑛𝐼7,𝑛2+3=0.(113)

Proof. Using (5) in Lemma 12, setting 𝑞=𝑒𝜋𝑛/7, and using the definition of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛, we arrive at 𝐼𝑄=7,9𝑛𝐼7,𝑛1/2𝐼,𝑅=7,𝑛𝐼7,9𝑛1/2.(114) Employing (114) in (30), we complete the proof.

Corollary 36. One has (i)𝐼7,3=52121/4,(ii)𝐼7,9=1+216+2214,(iii)𝐼7,1/3=5+2121/4,(iv)𝐼7,1/9=1+21+6+2214.(115)

Proof. Setting 𝑛=1/3 and simplifying using Theorem 16(ii), we arrive at 𝐼47,3+𝐼47,35=0.(116) Solving (116) and noting the fact in Remark 17, we obtain 𝐼7,3=52121/4.(117) This completes the proof of (i).
To prove (ii), setting 𝑛=1 and simplifying using Theorem 16(i), we arrive at 𝐷2𝐷5=0,(118) where 𝐷=𝐼7,9+𝐼17,9.(119) Solving (118) and using the fact in Remark 17, we obtain 𝐷=1+212.(120) Employing (120) in (119), solving the resulting equation, and noting that 𝐼7,9<1, we deduce that 𝐼7,9=1+216+2214.(121) This completes the proof of (ii). Now the proofs of (iii) and (iv) follow from (i) and (ii), respectively, and Theorem 16(ii).

5. General Theorems and Explicit Evaluations of 𝐺𝑛𝑘𝐺𝑛/𝑘

In this section we evaluate some explicit values of the product 𝐺𝑛𝑘𝐺𝑛/𝑘 by establishing some general theorems and employing the values of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 obtained in Section 4. We recall from Theorem 22(ii) that 𝐺1/𝑛=𝐺𝑛 for ready references in this section.

Theorem 37. One has 𝐼(i)3,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛2+𝐼3,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛2+𝐺𝑛/3𝐺4𝑛/3𝐺9𝑛/3𝐺36𝑛/31𝐺2𝑛/3𝐺4𝑛/3𝐺9𝑛/3𝐺36𝑛/3=0,(ii)𝐼63,𝑛+𝐼63,𝑛+22𝐺𝑛/3𝐺3𝑛3𝐺𝑛/3𝐺3𝑛3=0.(122)

Proof. To prove (i), using (5) in Lemma 13, setting 𝑞=𝑒𝜋𝑛/3, and employing the definitions of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and 𝐺𝑛, we obtain 𝑅=𝑞1/4𝑞𝜒(𝑞)𝜒2𝜒𝑞3𝜒𝑞6=𝐼3,𝑛𝐼3,4𝑛1/2,𝐺𝑃=𝑛/3𝐺4𝑛/3𝐺9𝑛/3𝐺36𝑛/31/2.(123) Employing (123) in (31), we complete the proof. (ii) follows similarly from Lemma 5 and the definition of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and 𝐺𝑛 with 𝑞=𝑒𝜋𝑛/3.

Corollary 38. One has (i)𝐺6𝐺3/2=1+32,(ii)𝐺12𝐺4/3=213/66+36+2+36,(iii)𝐺39𝐺13/3=21/63+131/3.(124)

Proof. Setting 𝑛=1/2 in Theorem 37(i) and simplifying using Theorem 16(ii) and the result 𝐺1/𝑛=𝐺𝑛, we obtain 2𝐺6𝐺3/22𝐺6𝐺3/222=0.(125) Solving (125) and noting that 𝐺6𝐺3/2>1, we complete the proof of (i).
To prove (ii), setting 𝑛=1 in Theorem 37(i); using Theorem 16(i), and noting that 𝐺1/𝑛=𝐺𝑛, we obtain 𝐼23,4+𝐼23,4+𝐺23𝐺4/3𝐺121𝐺223𝐺4/3𝐺12=0.(126) Employing (53) in (126), solving the resulting equation, and noting that 𝐺23𝐺4/3𝐺12>1, we obtain 𝐺23𝐺4/3𝐺12=6+36+2+364.(127) Using the value 𝐺3=21/12 from [5, p. 189] in (127), we complete the proof of (ii).
To prove (iii), setting 𝑛=13 in Theorem 37(ii), we obtain 𝐼63,13+𝐼63,13+22𝐺3/13𝐺392𝐺3/13𝐺392=0.(128) Cubing (96) and then employing in (128) and solving the resulting equation, we complete the proof.

Theorem 39. One has 𝐼(i)5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛3+𝐼5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛3𝐼+55,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛+𝐼5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛1𝐺=4𝑛/5𝐺4𝑛/5𝐺25𝑛/5𝐺100𝑛/52𝐺𝑛/5𝐺4𝑛/5𝐺25𝑛/5𝐺100𝑛/52,(ii)𝐼35,𝑛+𝐼35,𝑛𝐺+2𝑛/5𝐺5𝑛2𝐺𝑛/5𝐺5𝑛2=0.(129)

Proof. Using (5) in Lemma 14, setting 𝑞=𝑒𝜋𝑛/5, and employing the definitions of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and 𝐺𝑛, we obtain 𝑅=𝑞1/2𝑞𝜒(𝑞)𝜒2𝜒𝑞5𝜒𝑞10=𝐼5,𝑛𝐼5,4𝑛1/2,𝐺𝑃=𝑛/5𝐺4𝑛/5𝐺25𝑛/5𝐺100𝑛/51/2.(130) Employing (130) in (32), we complete the proof of (i). Similarly, (ii) follows from Lemma 6 and the definition of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and 𝐺𝑛 with 𝑞=𝑒𝜋𝑛/5.

Corollary 40. One has (i)𝐺10𝐺5/2=3+1021/4,(ii)𝐺20𝐺5/4=12311+551/4+11+553/4+𝔐,(131) where 𝔐 denotes 16+11+55(3+11+55)2.

Proof. Setting 𝑛=1/2 in Theorem 39(i) and simplifying using Theorem 16(ii) and the result 𝐺1/𝑛=𝐺𝑛, we obtain 4𝐺10𝐺5/24𝐺10𝐺5/2412=0.(132) Solving (132) and noting that 𝐺10𝐺5/2>1, we complete the proof of (i).
For proof of (ii), setting 𝑛=1 in Theorem 39(ii) and simplifying using Theorem 18(i) and the result 𝐺1/𝑛=𝐺𝑛, we obtain 𝐼35,4+𝐼35,4𝐺+24/5𝐺202𝐺4/5𝐺202=0.(133) Employing the value of 𝐼5,4+𝐼15,4 from (63) in (133), solving the resulting equation, and noting that 𝐺4/5𝐺20>1, we get 𝐺4/5𝐺20=12311+551/4+11+553/4+𝔐.(134) So the proof is complete.

Theorem 41. One has 22𝐼2,𝑛𝐼2,49𝑛3/2+𝐼2,𝑛𝐼2,49𝑛3/2𝐺=4𝑛/2𝐺4𝑛/2𝐺47𝑛/2𝐺196𝑛/21/2𝐺2𝑛/2𝐺4𝑛/2𝐺47𝑛/2𝐺196𝑛/21/2𝐺+4𝑛/2𝐺4𝑛/2𝐺47𝑛/2𝐺196𝑛/23/2𝐺𝑛/2𝐺4𝑛/2𝐺47𝑛/2𝐺196𝑛/25/2.(135)

Proof. Using (5) in Lemma 15, setting 𝑞=𝑒𝜋𝑛/2, and employing the definitions of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and 𝐺𝑛, we obtain, 𝑅=𝑞1/3𝑞𝜒(𝑞)𝜒7𝜒𝑞2𝜒𝑞14=𝐼2,𝑛𝐼2,49𝑛1/2,𝐺𝑃=𝑛/2𝐺4𝑛/2𝐺47𝑛/2𝐺196𝑛/21/2.(136) Employing (136) in (33), we complete the proof.

Corollary 42. One has 𝐺14𝐺7/2=2+4+824.(137)

Proof. Setting 𝑛=1/7 and simplifying using Theorem 16(ii) and the result 𝐺1/𝑛=𝐺𝑛, we get 4𝐺14𝐺7/2642𝐺14𝐺7/25𝐺214𝐺7/24𝐺+414𝐺7/221=0.(138) Solving (138) and noting that 𝐺14𝐺7/2>1, we complete the proof.

Theorem 43. One has 𝐼47,𝑛+𝐼47,𝑛+7=22𝐺7/𝑛𝐺7𝑛3+𝐺7/𝑛𝐺7𝑛3.(139)

Proof. Using (5) in Lemma 7, setting 𝑞=𝑒𝜋𝑛/7, and employing definitions of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and 𝐺𝑛, we arrive at 𝐺𝑃=𝑛/7𝐺7𝑛3,𝑞𝑄=1/4𝜒(𝑞)𝜒𝑞74=𝐼47,𝑛.(140) Using (140) in (24), we complete the proof.

Corollary 44. One has (i)𝐺7/4𝐺28=2+22,(ii)𝐺7/3𝐺21=21/63+71/3,(iii)𝐺7/9𝐺63=21/65+211/3.(141)

Proof. Setting 𝑛=4 in Theorem 43, we get 𝐼47,4+𝐼47,4+7=22𝐺7/4𝐺283+𝐺7/4𝐺283.(142) Squaring (74) and simplifying, we obtain 𝐼47,4+𝐼47,4=56+452.(143) Employing (143) in (142), solving the resulting equation, and noting that 𝐺7/4𝐺28>1, we complete the proof of (i).
To prove (ii), we set 𝑛=3 in Theorem 43, and employing (116), we obatin 𝐺21𝐺7/33+𝐺21𝐺7/3332=0.(144) Solving (144) and noting that 𝐺21𝐺7/3>1, we complete the proof.
To prove (iii), setting 𝑛=9 in Theorem 43, we get 𝐼47,9+𝐼47,9+7=22𝐺7/9𝐺633+𝐺7/9𝐺633.(145) Squaring (120) twice and simplifying, we obtain 𝐼47,9+𝐼47,9=31+7212.(146) Employing (146) in (145), solving the resulting equation, and noting that 𝐺7/9𝐺63>1, we complete the proof.

Theorem 45. One has 𝐼13,𝑛7+𝐼13,𝑛7𝐼+1313,𝑛5+𝐼13,𝑛5𝐼+5213,𝑛3+𝐼13,𝑛3𝐼+7813,𝑛+𝐼13,𝑛1𝐺8𝑛/13𝐺13𝑛6𝐺𝑛𝐺13𝑛6=0.(147)

Proof. Using (5) in Lemma 8, setting 𝑞=𝑒𝜋𝑛/13, and employing definitions of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and 𝐺𝑛, we arrive at 𝐺𝑃=𝑛/713𝐺13𝑛1𝑞,𝑄=1/2𝜒(𝑞)𝜒𝑞134=𝐼13,𝑛.(148) Using (148) in (25), we complete the proof.

Corollary 46. One has 𝐺117𝐺13/9=450+2603+405299+2340031/6.(149)

Proof. Setting 𝑛=9 in Theorem 45, we get 𝐼13,97+𝐼13,97𝐼+1313,95+𝐼13,95𝐼+5213,93+𝐼13,93𝐼+7813,9+𝐼13,91𝐺89/13𝐺1176𝐺9/13𝐺1176=0.(150) Employing (100) in (150) and simplifying, we obtain 𝐺9/13𝐺117122045+263𝐺9/13𝐺1176+1=0.(151) Solving the resulting equation (151) and noting that 𝐺9/13𝐺117>1, we complete the proof.

6. New Values of Class Invariant 𝐺𝑛

In this section we find some new values of Ramanujan's class invariant 𝐺𝑛 by using explicit values of 𝐼𝑘,𝑛 and 𝐺𝑛𝑘𝐺𝑛/𝑘 evaluated in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. For ready references in this section, we recall from Theorem 22 that 𝐼𝑘,𝑛=𝐺𝑛/𝑘/𝐺𝑛𝑘. We also recall from Theorem 22(ii) that 𝐺1/𝑛=𝐺𝑛.

Theorem 47. One has (i)𝐺3/2=21/41+31/4×44+273345826431/24,(ii)𝐺6=21/41+31/4×44+273+345826431/24.(152)

Proof. From Corollary 24(i), we have 𝐼3,2=𝐺3/2𝐺6=44+273345826431/12.(153) Also, from Corollary 38(i), we have 𝐺6𝐺3/2=1+321/2.(154) Multiplying (153) and (154) and simplifying, we complete the proof of (i). Dividing (154) by (153) and simplifying, we complete the proof of (ii).

The proofs of the Theorems 4856 are identical to the proof of Theorem 47. So we give the references of the required results only.

Theorem 48. One has (i)𝐺4/3=24/32+366+361/4×6+36+2+361/2,(ii)𝐺12=24/36+36+2+361/2×2+36+6+361/4.(155)

Proof. We use Corollary 24(ii) and Corollary 38(ii) and proceed as in Theorem 47.

Theorem 49. One has (i)𝐺5/2=21/83+101/8×14+510445140101/12,(ii)𝐺10=21/83+101/8×14+510+445140101/12.(156)

Proof. We employ Corollary 26(i) and Corollary 40(i) and proceed as in Theorem 47.

Theorem 50. One has (i)𝐺5/4=1211+551/44+11+551/2×311+551/4+11+553/4+16+11+553+11+5521/4(ii)𝐺20=11+551/44+11+551/2×311+551/4+11+553/4+16+11+553+11+5521/4.(157)

Proof. We employ Corollary 26(ii) and Corollary 40(ii) and proceed as in Theorem 47.

Theorem 51. One has (i)𝐺7/2=29/82+4+821/2×852+163+11624+852+163+116221/8,(ii)𝐺14=29/82+4+821/2×852+163+1162+4+852+163+116221/8.(158)

Proof. We employ Corollary 28(i) and Corollary 42(i) and proceed as in Theorem 47.

Theorem 52. One has (i)𝐺7/4=23/42+21/236+5258+4521/4,(ii)𝐺28=23/42+21/236+52+58+4521/4.(159)

Proof. We employ Corollary 28(ii) and Corollary 44(i) and proceed as in Theorem 47.

Theorem 53. One has (i)𝐺7/3=25/243+71/65211/8,(ii)𝐺21=25/243+71/65+211/8.(160) The values 𝐺7/3 and 𝐺21 can also be found in [5, 6].

Proof. We employ Corollary 36(i) and Corollary 44(ii) and proceed as in Theorem 47.

Theorem 54. One has (i)𝐺9/7=211/125+211/61+216+2211/2,(ii)𝐺63=211/125+211/61+21+6+2211/2.(161) The value 𝐺63 can also be found in [5, page 192].

Proof. We employ Corollary 36(ii) and Corollary 44(ii) and proceed as in Theorem 47.

Theorem 55. One has (i)𝐺13/3=211/123+131/61+132+2131/2,(ii)𝐺39=211/123+131/61+13+2+2131/2.(162) The values 𝐺13/3 and 𝐺39 can also be found in [5, 6].

Proof. We use Corollary 32(i) and Corollary 38(iii) and proceed as in Theorem 47.

Theorem 56. One has (i)𝐺13/9=21/2450+2603+405299+2340031/12×2+33+431/2,(ii)𝐺117=21/2450+2603+405299+2340031/12×2+3+3+431/2.(163) The values 𝐺39 and 𝐺117 can also be found in [5, page 193].

Proof. We employ Corollary 32(ii) and Corollary 46 and proceed as in Theorem 47.