Clinical Study

Efficacy and Tolerability of Fitostimoline (Vaginal Cream, Ovules, and Vaginal Washing) and of Benzydamine Hydrochloride (Tantum Rosa Vaginal Cream and Vaginal Washing) in the Topical Treatment of Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis

Table 2

Primary efficacy variable. Number and percentage of patients with therapeutic success.

Therapeutic successPP populationITTr population
Pooled FitostimolineTantum RosaPooled FitostimolineTantum Rosa

Number (%) of patients82 (98.8%)39 (92.9%)135 (82.8%)66 (78.6%)
Difference (95% CI)
Fitostimoline-Tantum Rosa
5.94 [−2.20, 14.07]4.25 [−6.26, 14.76]