Research Article

Callus Induction, Proliferation, and Plantlets Regeneration of Two Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes under Saline and Heat Stress Conditions

Table 2

Genotypes mean values of the measured variables at different salt treatments.

Genotypic callus induction efficiency

No. incubated embryos96.096.0
No. of calli embryos85.056.0
Efficiency of calli induction (%)88.558.3

Effect of saline stress (NaCl)

NaCl (g·L−1)051015051015

No. of incubated embryos24,024,024,024,024,024,024,024,0
No. Proliferating calli24,024,021,015,022,020,008,006,0
Proliferation efficiency (%)100,0100,091.662.591.683.333.325.0
No. cal with 2 shoots02,002,001,000,005,003,001,000,0
Embryonic efficiency (%)08.308.304.200.020.812.504.200.0
No. cal with 1 root01,001,000,000,001,000,000,000,0
No. of regenerating calli01,001,000,000,001,000,000,000,0
Regeneration efficiency (%)
No. sheets/plantlet04,003,000,000,002,000,000,000,0
No. roots/plantlet02,002,000,000,002,000,000,000,0
No. root length (mm)25,020,000,000,020,000,000,000,0