Research Article

Distribution of Nidogen in the Murine Eye and Ocular Phenotype of the Nidogen-1 Knockout Mouse

Figure 1

Micrographs of a C57BL/6 mouse eye stained for nidogen-1. Scale bar equals 50 μm. (a) In the cornea, intense staining is seen on both sides of Descement’s membrane (arrows). Staining of the corneal epithelium basal membrane is inconsistent (open arrow). (b) In the anterior eye segment, staining is seen at the epithelial cells of the ciliary processes (CP) and around scleral vessels (Scl). (c) At the optic nerve, intense staining is present in the inner limiting membrane (arrows). Staining is also seen towards the border of the pia mater (asterisks). (d) In the retina, the inner limiting membrane and the inner retinal vessels (open arrows) show intense staining, while the outer capillaries (arrows) show less intense staining for nidogen-1.