Clinical Study

Primary Atrophic Rhinitis: A Clinical Profile, Microbiological and Radiological Study

Table 5

Radiological findings from plain X-rays and CT scan in primary atrophic rhinitis patients ( ).

SinusitisSinus involvedOther findings
Grade Number (%)Sinus Number (%)Findings Number (%)

Grade 0 11(12.2%)Maxillary 73 (81.1%)Atrophy of bone and mucosa 78 (86.6%)
Grade I 4 (4.4%)Ethmoid 66 (73.3%)Widening of nasal cavity 77 (85.5%)
Grade II 22 (24.4%) Frontal 32 (35.5%)Lateral bowing of the lateral nasal wall 65 (72.2%)
Grade III 31(34.4%)Sphenoid 17 (18.8%) Thickness of medial wall of maxillary sinus 62 (68.8%)
Grade IV 22 (24.4%) Hypoplasia of maxillary sinus 66 (73.3%)
Absence of frontal sinus 27 (30%)