Research Article

M-CHAT Mexican Version Validity and Reliability and Some Cultural Considerations

Table 2

Convergent validity. Spearman correlations between MM-CHAT, ADI-R, and CBCL/1.5–5 of ASD group.


MM-CHAT(1) 𝑇 1
(2) 6ci.851

ADI-R(3) 𝐴 .61**.66**1
(4) BV.23.08.42**1
(5) BNV.63**.61**.83**.58**1
(6) 𝐶 .36**.25*.40**.49**.49**1

CBCL/1.5–5(7) PDD.65**.56**.56**.18.49**.34**1
(8) 𝑊 .66**.63**.60**.24.55**.20.86**1

Note. ** 𝑃 . 0 1 , * 𝑃 < . 0 5 . 𝑇 : MM-CHAT total recoded failed items, score, 6CI: sum of MM-CHAT six critical items, 𝐴 : total score of ADI-R A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 items, BV: total score of ADI-R B1 + B4 + B2 (verbal) + B3 (verbal) del ADI-R. BNV: total score of ADI-R B1 + B4, 𝐶 : total score of ADI-R C1 + C2 + C3, 𝑊 = CBCL/1.5–5/withdrawn, PDD = CBCL/1.5–5/pervasive developmental scale.