Clinical Study

Routine Use of Color Doppler in Fetal Heart Scanning in a Low-Risk Population

Table 1

Main ultrasound finding, secondary findings, final diagnosis, and associated anomalies and outcome in 26 fetuses with major heart anomalies.

Main ultrasound finding Ultrasound diagnosisFinal heart diagnosisKaryotypeAssociated anomaliesTime of detectionOutcome

Unequal size of ventricles
Pulmonary stenosis, VSDTetralogy of FallotRoutineSurgical repair
Retrograde flow in aorta, tricuspid insufficiencyHypoplastic aortic arch, CoALateSurgical repair
Septum defect, one great vesselAVSD, pulmonary atresiaRoutineSurgical repair
One great vessel, overriding artery, VSDTetralogy of FallotTrisomy 13LateDied after birth

Unilateral perfusion of right ventricle
One great vessel in “three-vessel view,” HLHSHLHSRoutineTOP (no autopsy)
Retrograde blood flow in aorta, HLHSHLHSRoutineTOP
One outlet vessel, HLHSHLHSEarlyTOP

Common atrioventricular valve
Septum defect, atrioventricular insufficiencyAVSDTrisomy 21RoutineTOP
Septum defectAVSDTrisomy 21Duodenal atresiaLateSurgical repair
Septum defectVSDTrisomy 18Multiple defectsEarlyTOP

Atrioventricular insufficience
Tricuspid insufficiency, retrograde blood flow in DA, VSDEbstein’s anomalyRoutineTOP
Tricuspid insufficiency, retrograde blood flow in DAEbstein’s anomalyRoutineTOP (no autopsy)
Tricuspid insufficiencyPATTSRoutineSurgical repair
Mitral insufficiency, septum defect, reduced contractilityASD, cardiomegalyAgenesis of kidneysRoutineTOP

Overriding vessel
VSDTetralogy of FallotRoutineSurgical repair
VSDOverriding aorta, ASD, VSDTrisomy 18Clinched fingersLateIUFD

Parallel vessels
TGA, DORV, VSD, tricuspid insufficiencyDORV, TGA, VSD, PARoutineSurgical repair
TGA, DORV, VSDDORV, TGARoutineSurgical repair
TGA, large VSDTGA, single ventricleKyphoscoliosisRoutineTOP

One great vessel in “three-vessel view”
Overriding vessel, VSDDORV, ASD, VSDTrisomy 21RoutineSurgical repair
VSD, tiny pulmonary arteryVSD, pulmonary stenosisRoutineSurgical repair
Tricuspid insufficiencyDORV, TGA, VSDTrisomy 18Clinched fingersRoutineTOP
No other findingsDORV, TGARoutineTOP (no autopsy)

Retrograde blood flow in “three-vessel view”
Aortic stenosis, retrograde flow in aortaAortic stenosis, VSDRoutineSurgical repair
Retrograde flow in DAHRHS, PARoutineTOP

Abnormal position of the heart
Heart outside thoraxEctopic heart, VSDKantrell’s pentalogyEarlyTOP

VSD: ventricular septal defect; CoA: coarctation of the aorta; ASD: atrial septal defect; AVSD: atrioventricular septal defect; PA: pulmonary atresia; DA: ductus arteriosus; TGA: transposition of the great arteries; DORV: double-outlet right ventricle; HLHS: hypoplastic left heart syndrome; HRHS: hypoplastic right heart syndrome; TTS: twin-twin transfusion syndrome; TOP: termination of pregnancy; IUFD: intrauterine fetal death; routine: detected at a second trimester routine scan; early or late: detected before or after the routine scan.