Clinical Study

Developmental Disabilities and Intracranial Abnormalities in Children with Symptomatic Cytomegalovirus and Cochlear Implants

Table 2

Summary of subject characteristics.

Characteristics (%) or median (range) [IQR HC < 5th percentile
HC > 5th percentile

Age at identification (months)5 (1–62) [2–23]5 (1–23)12 (1–62)
Median IQ/DQ65 (23-90) [42–77]42 (23–70)77 (50–90)
Age at CI surgery (months)28 (12–96) [17–40]28 (17–38)33 (12–96)
Bilateral cochlear implants3 (20%)03
Full insertion 13 (87%)67
Number of activated electrodes*21 (10–22) [16–22]18 (10–22)22 (10–22)
Age at last audio follow-up55 (32–169) [40–84]46 (32–110)59 (34–169)
Post-CI pure tone average**32 (20–80) [27–38]38 (27–80)27 (20–33)
Post-CI SAT or SRT**25 (15–80) [23–30]30 (25–80)23 (15–25)

*9 children had 20 activated electrodes.
**Two children could not complete post-CI audiologic testing at time of study.
compared with HC 5th percentile.
CI: cochlear implant; HC: head circumference; IQR: interquartile range; SAT: speech awareness threshold; SRT: speech recognition threshold.