Clinical Study

Light Chain Proximal Tubulopathy: Expanding the Pathologic Spectrum with and without Deposition of Crystalline Inclusions

Table 1

Clinical and morphological findings in 9 cases with light chain proximal tubulopathy.

Case no.Age/sexMM diagnosis before biopsyLM: cytoplasmic granularity inIF: cytoplasmic granular stainingEM: cytoplasmic crystals

154/MMM PT, DT, podocyte, parietal cellsKappa linear staining in gbm and tbmPT, podocytes, parietal, interstitial cells. Granular deposits along gbm and tbm
260/MMMPTLambda None
338/MMM; FSPTKappa PT, needle shape
451/MMMPT + amyloid Lambda None; amyloid fibrils
558/MMMPTKappa PT
655/MMMPT Lambda None
759/FMMPTLambda None
858/MMMPT + LCCNLambda + castsNone
963/MMMPT + LCCNLambda + castsNone

MM: multiple myeloma; FS: fanconi syndrome; PT: proximal tubule; DT: distal tubule, gbm: glomerular basement membrane; tbm: tubular basement membrane; LCCN: light chain cast nephropathy.