Research Article

Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, and Free Radical Scavenging Potential of Aerial Parts of Periploca aphylla and Ricinus communis

Table 2

MIC values ( 𝜇 g/mL) of different extracts of Periploca aphylla and Ricinus communis.

Plant extractE. coliB. subtilusS. aureusS. flexneri

PA crude0.3130.6250.1560.156
PA n-hexane0.6250.3130.1560.313
PA chloroform0.1562.500.3130.156
PA ethyl acetate0.3130.1561.250.313
PA n-butanol0.1560.3130.3130.156
RC n-hexane0.3131.250.1560.156
RC chloroform0.1560.3130.1560.313
RC ethyl acetate0.1560.3130.1560.313
RC n-butanol0.1560.3130.6252.50

1Each value in the table was obtained by observing the average of three experiments.