Research Article

An Ensemble of Neural Classifiers and Constructivist Algorithms in the Identification of Agricultural Suitability Complexes of Soils on the Basis of Physiographic Information

Table 4

Percent effectiveness of the identification of complexes of agricultural suitability of soils in validation set V-1 by selected classifiers making up level 1 MLP, RBF, and PNN. VPerf: correctness of identification of complexes, VErr: complexes incorrectly included in the class.


K-285.7K-3 to K-884.9K-3 to K-884.7K-3 to K-8
K-385.3K-2 to K-979.0K-2 to K-976.1K-2 to K-9
K-470.0K-2 to K-967.4K-2 to K-970.5K-2 to K-9
K-581.9K-2 to K-982.4K-2 to K-984.3K-2 to K-9
K-679.1K-2 to K-981.7K-2 to K-978.6K-2 to K-9
K-782.6K-2 to K-985.4K-2 to K-987.0K-2 to K-9
K-845.2K-2 to K-645.3K-2 to K-644.9K-2 to K-6
K-927.1K-2 to K-723.5K-2 to K-733.6K-2 to K-7