Clinical Study

Brain Activation in Primary Motor and Somatosensory Cortices during Motor Imagery Correlates with Motor Imagery Ability in Stroke Patients

Table 7

Significant clusters of activation for the main effects of “Pinching with the unaffected hand” (PU > Rest). Single-voxel uncorrected threshold , cluster size . BA: Brodmann area at given coordinates.

PU > RESTRegionsBA #Voxels MNI

Non-lesioned brain sidePrecentral gyrus679187.26−57 0 33
Inferior frontal gyrus
(p. opercularis)
6.89−45 9 12
Insula 5.08−33 15 12
Thalamus5.01−12−18 9
Rolandic opercolum4.76−57 0 6
Middle occipital gyrus1783767.73−36−84 0
Inferior temporal gyrus5.82−51−66−9
Inferior occipital gyrus3.72 30 −75−6
Calcarine gyrus1855 1718184.33 3 −87 9

Lesioned brain sideInferior temporal gyrus11969.27 51 −69−3
Middle temporal gyrus7.56 45 −66 0
Middle occipital gyrus7.55 39 −81 0
Cerebellum5.25 24 −51−18
Superior parietal lobule9928.44 15 −72 54
Inferior parietal lobule8.06 45 −52 54
Superior occipital gyrus8.05 27 −75 33
Precentral gyrus4p56.44 33 −21 45
Postcentral gyrus2214.63 48 −27 42
Supramarginal gyrus4.60 60 −33 39

BilateralC. inferior parietal lobule2831819.13−45−30 45
I. supplementary motor area6168.24 15 −9 63
I. middle cingulate cortex7.63 9 6 45
C. superior parietal lobule7.62−24−60 57
C. supra marginal gyrus7.61−60−27 42
C. inferior parietal lobule7.52−36−51 54
I. supplementary motor area 67.38 3 0 51
C. precentral gyrus6177.06−21−1569

#Voxels: number of voxels in cluster. MNI: coordinates in the Montreal Neurological Institute standard brain space. : maximum score in cluster. The percentage of voxels from the cluster falling within the named region is indicated by the superscripted values (obtained by the SPM Anatomy Toolbox). I: ipsilesional; C: contralesional.