Clinical Study

Diabetes and Hypertension among Patients Receiving Antiretroviral Treatment Since 1998 in Senegal: Prevalence and Associated Factors

Table 1

Demographics, HIV, and metabolic characteristics of the study population.

CharacteristicsN (%)/median (IQR)

Age, median years (IQR)24246 (40–54)
BMI, median kg/m² (IQR)24222.3 (19.8–25.6)
BMI at treatment initiation, median kg/m² (IQR)24220.2 (18.4–22.6)
CDC stage
HCV or HBV infection45(18.6)
CD4 cell count, median cells/μL (IQR)242501 (372–722)
CD4 cell count at treatment initiation,
median cells/μL (IQR)
239146 (61–229)
HIV viral load < 50 copies/mL201(83.1)
Total cholesterol (g/L)
Triglycerides (g/L)

IQR: interquartile range; BMI: body mass index; HCV: hepatitis C virus; HBV: hepatitis B virus.