Clinical Study

The Effect of Aquatic and Land-Based Training on the Metabolic Cost of Walking and Motor Performance in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Pilot Study

Table 3

Descriptive values of cardio-respiratory outcomes measured during the last min of the 34 m continuous walk for assessing the metabolic cost of walking.

Pre testPost test% change

Aquatic group
 VO2 (L·min−1)0.41(0.10)0.44(0.11)7.9
 VO2Net (L·min−1)0.19(0.095)0.22(0.096)11.4
 VO2 (mL·kg−1·min−1)24.07(4.50)
 MCW (mL*m−1)15.54(9.16)10.57(4.18)−32
 TTSST (sec)229.5(97.12)153.33(37.24)−33.2
VE (L·min−1)15.14(2.71)15.53.882.4
 HR (Beats*min−1)149.7(11.7)146.6(29.0)−2.1
Land-based group
 VO2 (L*min−1)0.398(0.096)0.400(0.08)0.5
 VO2Net (L*min−1)0.186(0.067)0.184(0.081)−1.1
 VO2 (mL* min* kg−1)24.89(6.59)27.08(4.63)8.8
 MCW (mL*m−1)17.66(14.57)15.0(8.44)15.1
 TTSST (sec)204.8(59.54)193.8(39.71)−5.4
  VE (L*min−1)13.36(2.82)12.26(2.47)−8.2
 HR (Beats*min−1)141.8(4.46)146.7(15.58)3.5

Abbreviations: VO2: Oxygen Consumption; VE: Ventilation; TTSST: time to steady state; RER: Respiratory Exchange Ratio; determined by dividing VCO2 produced by VO2 consumed; HR: Heart Rate.