Review Article

Information Processing with Electron Spins

Figure 4

A Bennett clocked spin wire. (a) Ground state of an array of nearest-neighbor exchange coupled dots forming a “spin wire;” (b) the th spin is flipped and a tie results between the th, ( )th and ( )th spins; (c) the ( )th and ( )th spins are rotated to the right by ~90° with external potentials applied selectively to these two dots which resolves the tie; (d) the potential is withdrawn from the ( )th dot, whose resident spin flips down because of unequal exchange interactions with the right and left neighbors, while the spin in the ( )th dot is rotated by ~90° by a potential applied to that dot; (e) the potential from the ( )th dot is withdrawn, resulting in the host spin flipping up; (f) “fan out” operation via a bifurcated spin wire (the gate pads between the dots are not shown here for clarity).