Research Article

Lipothymia and Syncope—Aetiology and Outcome in a Prehospital Setting: A Retrospective Study

Table 1

MECU Dispatch criteria in the observation period.

Ambulance + MECU

Life-threatening conditions:
(i) Sudden loss of consciousness
(ii) Absense of breathing
(iii) Noisy or otherwise impaired breathing
Possible life-threatening conditions:
(i) Dyspnea
(ii) Severe chest pain
(iii) Sudden onset of serious headache
(iv) Impaired breathing in infants and children
(v) Suspected serious illness in children or infants
(vi) Sudden onset of severe oral or rectal bleeding
(vii) Sudden onset of bleeding in pregnant women beyond 20th gestational week
Accidents, implying a risk of life-threatening conditions:
(i) Motorway accidents
 (a) On highways
 (b) High velocity car crash
 (c) Entrapment
 (d) Roll-over
 (e) Lorry or bus involved
 (f) Motorcycle involved
 (g) Pedestrian against car/motorcycle
(ii) Other accidents
 (a) Fall from heights
 (b) Entrapped persons
 (c) Accidents with bleeding victims
 (d) Accidents involving horses
 (e) Gunshot or stab wounds towards torso, neck, head
 (f) Hanging
 (g) Drowning
 (h) Burns involving face or exceeding 20% (adults) or 10% (infants and children) of body surface area
(iii) Accidents involving trains or aeroplanes
(iv) Fire implying a risk of damage to people
(v) Chemical exposure