Research Article

A Comparative Analysis of Mast Cell Quantification in Five Common Dermatoses: Lichen Simplex Chronicus, Psoriasis, Lichen Planus, Lupus, and Insect Bite/Allergic Contact Dermatitis/Nummular Dermatitis

Table 2

Mast cells. It shows the outcome variable—the number of mast cells. Overall, the distribution of mast cells is different across the two methods ( 𝑃 < . 0 0 0 1 ). The median number of mast cells revealed using C-Kit method was 17.5 compared to the median number of mast cells revealed using T-Blue method. The distribution of mast cells is same across the two methods for lichen simplex chronicus ( 𝑃 = 0 . 1 1 0 ).

CharacteristicMedian (p25, p75)1 𝑃 value2

 C-Kit17.5 (11.8; 22.5)
 T-Blue3.8 (2.5; 7.0)<.0001*

 C-Kit16.5 (16.0; 20.5)
 T-Blue2.5 (1.0; 4.0)0.012*

Lichen simplex chronicus
 C-Kit14.3 (10.0; 35.0)
 T-Blue7.8 (6.0; 12.8)0.110

 C-Kit12.5 (6.0; 17.5)
 T-Blue5.5 (3.5; 6.0)0.024*

Lichen planus
 C-Kit22.5 (20.0; 22.5)
 T-Blue3.5 (0.5; 7.5)0.036*

 C-Kit17.5 (15.0; 22.5)
 T-Blue3.0 (2.5; 3.0)0.009*

1p25 represents the 25th percentile; p75 represents the 75th percentile.
2Mann-Whitney 𝑈 test.
*indicates significance at 0.05 level of significance.