Clinical Study

Long-Term Outcome after Resection Rectopexy for Internal Rectal Intussusception

Table 6

HRQoL (SF-36) results for 48 patients operated for IRI at long-term followup versus the general Norwegian population. Scores are given as mean (SD).

Health dimensionPatientsGeneral population value
( )( )

Physical functioning82.5 (17.8)88.4 (17.4)0.03
Role limitation due
to physical problems*
69.7 (33.0)79.7 (34.4)0.04
Role limitation due
to emotional problems*
86.3 (24.5)82.5 (31.8)0.29
Bodily pain62.6 (28.1)75.7 (25.6)0.002
Social functioning79.4 (28.1)86.1 (21.8)0.18
Mental health*78.9 (16.8)78.8 (16.4)0.97
Vitality*55.7 (24.8)60.3 (20.7)0.21
General health perception64.8 (24.3)77.4 (21.8)0.008

*Although there are subtle differences in the different versions of the SF-36 questionnaire concerning these four health dimensions, the data can be compared.