Clinical Study

A Retrospective Analysis of Transfusion Management for Obstetric Hemorrhage in a Japanese Obstetric Center

Table 1

Our transfusion management principles.

(1) While evaluating the bleeding state, consumed coagulation factors are rapidly supplemented until the coagulation function normalizes [9, 22]
(2) With the above as a goal, 4–6 units of FFP are transfused at a time, and the coagulation function is evaluated after each transfusion
(3) Stabilization of the vital signs
(4) RCC transfusion is performed to achieve an Hb level of 7-8 g/dL as a goal
(5) PC transfusion is performed to achieve a platelet count above 50,000/mm3 as a goal
(6) Cryoprecipitate, as well as specific coagulation factor preparations, is not administered in general