Research Article

Modelling Determinants of Tree Planting and Retention on Farm for Improvement of Forest Cover in Central Kenya

Table 1

Definitions and description of modelling variables.

VariablesDescriptionDummy description

Dependent variable:
 Farmer’s tree retention on farmFarmer classified as most likely, less likely and not likely to retain trees on farm or likely and not likely to retain trees on farm0 = not likely; 1 = less likely; 3 = most likely or 0 = not likely, and 1 = likely.
Explanatory variables:
 Occupation ( )Main occupation of the household head classified as either formal employment or non-formal employment1 = Formal; 2 = non-formal; 0 = otherwise
 Age ( )Age of the household head
 Education ( )Education level of the household head1 = Formal learning; 0 = otherwise
 Marital status ( )Marital status of the head of household1 = Married; 0 = Single
 Number household ( )Number of members of the household
 Income ( )Income of the household head
 Land ( )Land ownership of the household head1 = Household that owns land; 0 = otherwise
 Land size ( )Land size owned by household members
 Landuse ( )Area of land under trees1 = Area under trees; 0 = otherwise
 Tree use ( )Purpose of trees planted on farm1 = Fuelwood; 2 = Aesthetic
 Technical skills ( )Provision of technical skills on tree management1 = Received technical skills; 0 = otherwise
 Labour ( )Labour involvement on tree management1 = intensive; 0 = Not intensive
 Extension services (X13)Accessing regular extension services1 = Accessed extension services; 0 = otherwise
 Regulation ( )Regulation by KFS on tree harvesting1 = Supports KFS regulation; 0 = otherwise
 Forest association ( )Existence and participation on forest organization1 = Existence of forest association; 0 = otherwise
 Marketability ( )Knowledge and access to markets and policies1 = Ready market; 0 = otherwise
 Economic motivation ( )Economic returns from tree growing1 = High returns; 0 = otherwise