Research Article

Biocompatibility of Intracanal Medications Based on Calcium Hydroxide

Table 2

Number of inflammatory cells and giant cells/mm2 of the capsule adjacent to the implants in the subcutaneous.

ߙInflammatory cellsGiant cells
7 days30 days7 days30 days

Calen2,795.10 ± 939.90a,1960.64 ± 433.22a,24.14 ± 0.90a,10.92 ± 0.18a,2
UltraCal XS2,397.66 ± 613.14a,1975.99 ± 227.71a,26.00 ± 1.03b,12.77 ± 1.05b,2
Hydropast2,248.10 ± 315.41a,11,407.82 ± 870.89a,2 8.77 ± 1.46c,11.37 ± 0.87c,2

Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation.
Equal letters indicate no statistically significant difference ( ) between the materials in the same experimental period.
Different numbers indicate difference statistically significant ( ) of each material in the different experimental periods.