Research Article

Expectations Confounded: Patients Are Satisfied with THR and TKR Delivery in Australian Public Hospitals—A Multisite Case Study

Table 2

Reported waiting time and perceived maximum acceptable waiting times.

Length of wait (months)ExpectedActualMaximum (acceptable)
1st consult
n (%)
n (%)
1st consult
n (%)
n (%)
1st consult
n (%)
n (%)

197 138 267 173 361 298
6–12103 130 70 99 55 97
12–1877 83 63 77 8 7
18–24 0 41 0 32 2 1
2451 31 31 44 1 1

1st consult: time between referral and first appointment with the surgeon.
Surgery: time between first appointment and THR/TKR surgery.