Research Article

Immunomodulatory Effects of Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) in BALB/c Mice

Figure 1

UV chromatogram by HPLC of a methanol : H2O (70 : 30, v/v) extract of Danshen peaks which are identified by total ion current (LC-MS) and spectrometric data. Identified constituents are 1, Danshensu; 2, Protocatechuic acid; 3, Procatechu aldehyde; 5, Caffeic acid; 8, Salvianolic acid E; 9, Rosmarinic acid; 10, Lithospermic acid; 11, Salvianolic acid B; 16, Tanshinone IIB; 18, Dihydrotanshinone I; 19, Methyltanshinonate; 20, Cryptotanshinone; 21, Tanshinone I; 26, Isosalvianolic acid B; 31, Neocryptotanshinone; and 33, Methylenetanshinone.