Research Article

Innate Immunity in Lobsters: Partial Purification and Characterization of a Panulirus cygnus Anti-A Lectin

Table 1

Haemagglutination of normal and papain-treated erythrocytes by P. cygnus haemolymph and affinity chromatography purified lectin.

HA titrea
Untreated erythrocytesPapain-treated erythrocytes
Type of erythrocyteHaemolymphPurified lectinbHaemolymphPurified lectinb

Human 016201620
Human A32406480
Human B16201620

aTitres were determined as described in the text.
bLectin was purified by affinity chromatography on REM-Sepharose, with sucrose-urea as eluant. The eluate was diluted 1 : 10 and then titrated. The A280 of the undiluted lectin preparation was 0.2.