Research Article

Mouse Models and Techniques for the Isolation of the Diabetic Endothelium

Figure 3

FACS isolation of endothelium. FACS profiles of collagenolytic digests of leg muscle (a) or aorta (b) from ScN/GFP mice. Cell suspensions from ScN/GFP tissues were labeled with phycoerythrin- CD31. Cells are first gated by size and granularity based on forward and side scatter pulse area (FSC/SSC, gate P1) followed by further selection for mononuclear cells based on forward scatter pulse width and height (FSC-W/FSC-H, gate P2). Cells expressing CD31 and GFP are then gated by phycoerythrin and GFP fluorescent signals as determined based on unstained samples. GFP+/CD31+ endothelial cells shown in gate P3 are sorted on a FACSAria directly into TRIzol or media for subsequent analysis.