Clinical Study

Age of Onset of Mood Disorders and Complexity of Personality Traits

Table 1

Sample characteristics and clinical data relative to the MD for PD complexity.

= 209No PDaPD SimplebPD ComplexcTotal Effect Size

(%)36 (17.2%)96 (45.9%)77 (36.9%)209
Gender (F)27 (75.0%)61 (63.5%)55 (71.4%)143 (68.4%).207.015
Age53.70 (11.39)57.97 (12.72)53.36 (13.83)55.54 (13.07).044.030
Years of education9.14 (3.07)8.56 (3.02)9.06 (3.11)8.85 (3.06).464.007
Employed8 (22.2%)29 (30.5%)25 (32.5%)62 (29.7%).378.009
Depressive disorder
 Single episode6 (16.7%)9 (9.4%)7 (9.1%)22 (10.5%)
 Recurrent24 (66.7%)51 (53.1%)34 (44.2%)109 (52.2%)
Bipolar disorder
 Type I3 (8.3%)20 (20.8%)24 (31.2%)47 (22.5%)
 Type II3 (8.3%)16 (16.7%)12 (15.6%)31 (14.8%).084.053
Age of MD onset35.42 (12.83)40.36 (19.92)32.47 (15.01)36.60 (15.46).003.055
Years of illness18.25 (15.12)17.64 (14.58)21.05 (13.53).326.011
Number of episodes annual (mean) ( ).81 (.91).59 (.51).68 (.65).66 (.64).231.016
Average duration of episodes ( ).334.025
  (≤1 month)5 (16.7%) 13 (14.8%)8 (11.6%)
  (≤3 months) 16 (53.3%)44 (50.0%)27 (39.1%)
  (>3 months)9 (30.0%)31 (34.5%)34 (50.0%)

aParticipants with none elevation on the MCMI-III.
bParticipants with one elevation on the MCMI-III.
cParticipants with more than one elevation on the MCMI-III.
χ² and φ² were used for the comparison of categorical variables; ANOVA test and η² were used for the comparison of continues variables.