Research Article

Bioavailability of Oil-Based and β-Lactoglobulin-Complexed Vitamin A in a Rat Model

Table 4

Vitamin A intake (µg/day/rat) as retinyl palmitate during repletion in experiment 2.


Treatment description1+Diet/NFM−Diet/PFM−Diet/OFM−Diet/NFM : OFM

2-week repletion249.72 ± 3.08a10.21 ± 0.63c35.17 ± 5.33b11.27 ± 1.66c
4-week repletion244.66 ± 4.40a10.04 ± 1.73b37.24 ± 6.09a11.67 ± 2.22b

1+Diet: regular AIN-93G pelleted rodent diet adequate in vitamin A; −Diet: deficient AIN-93G pelleted rodent diet without vitamin A or vitamin D. One kg of the AIN-93 diet contains 4000 IU of all-trans retinyl palmitate. Skim milk was fortified with 147 IU/100 mL of retinyl palmitate.
2Each value is the mean ± SD. = 4 in the A/N group. = 5 in the other groups. Means in a row without common superscript letters are significantly different ( ).