Research Article

Missed Doses and Missed Appointments: Adherence to ART among Adult Patients in Uganda

Table 2

Factors linked to the three measures of adherence in this study.

Adherence measureIndependent variablesNoYesOR value
Freq. (%)Freq. (%)(95% CI limits)

(1) Ever run out of medication( )418 (94.1)26 (5.9)

Gender ( )
 Male122 (92.4)10 (7.6)0.58 (0.24–1.46)0.296
 Female239 (95.4)14 (4.6)
Age ( )
 16–39205 (96.61)14 (6.39)0.656
 40–50157 (95.15)8 (4.85)
 >5053 (96.36)2 (3.64)
Educational level ( )
 Below primary 56 (94.92)3 (5.08)0.629
 Primary167 (95.98)7 (4.02)
 Secondary 145 (94.16)9 (5.84)
 University29 (90.63)3 (9.38)

(2) Doses missed in the last week ( )739 (96.9)24 (3.1)

Gender ( )
 Male222 (95.7)10 (4.3)0.60 (0.25–1.49)0.228
 Female514 (97.3)14 (2.7)
Age ( )
 16–39370 (96.4)14 (3.6)0.694
 40–50273 (97.2)8 (2.8)
 >5093 (97.9)2 (2.1)
Disclosed HIV status to sexual partner ( )
 No426 (96.4)16 (3.6)0.60 (0.21–1.66)0.402
 Yes266 (97.8) 6 (2.2)
Educational level ( )
 Below primary55 (93.22)4 (6.78)0.450
 Primary170 (97.70)4 (2.30)
 Secondary 148 (96.10)6 (3.90)
 University31 (96.88)1 (3.13)

(3) Appointments missed in the past 3 months ( )706 (92.5)57 (7.5)

Gender ( )
 Male 217 (93.5)15 (6.5)1.00 (0.51–1.96)0.989
 Female494 (93.6)34 (6.4)
Disclosed HIV status to sexual partner ( )
 No415 (93.0)31 (7.0)0.95 (0.50–1.80)0.995
 Yes253 (93.4)18 (6.6)
Age ( )
 16–39363 (94.5)21 (5.5)0.540
 40–50260 (92.5)21 (7.5)
 >5088 (92.6)7 (7.4)
Educational level ( )
 Below Primary  school56 (94.92)3 (5.08)0.079
 Primary 163 (93.68)11 (6.32)
 Secondary143 (92.86)11 (7.14)
 University26 (81.25)6 (18.75)

The differences in are due to nonresponse.