Clinical Study

Polymorphism of Beta2-Adrenoceptor and Regular Use of Formoterol in Asthma: Preliminary Results

Table 1

Comparison of baseline clinical and functional data between the two groups of patients.

GlyGly16ArgArg16 + ArgGly16 value

Age (years)34.28 ± 14.9732.73 ± 8.340.73
Duration of disease (years)16.50 ± 8.1015.87 ± 9.980.92
FVC (% pred)111.36 ± 15.30105.93 ± 14.780.34
FEV1 (% pred)100.27 ± 13.0791.93 ± 14.190.11
FEV1/FVC (%)76.87 ± 9.4675.07 ± 8.340.59
(% pred)72.14 ± 23.1461.80 ± 23.670.24
FEV1 changes after salbutamol (%)9.43 ± 5.409.73 ± 7.630.90
PC20FEV1 (mg/mL)*1.93 ± 1.101.54 ± 1.260.53

Data are expressed as mean ± SD.
*The methacholine challenge test was performed in 11 patients of the GlyGly16 group and in 10 of the ArgArg16 + ArgGly16 group.
FVC: forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 sec; : forced midexpiratory flow; PC20FEV1: provocative concentration of methacholine causing 20% fall in FEV1.