
Let be a positive integer. For any pair of integers and , let be the digraph whose set of vertices is , and there exists a directed edge from vertex to vertex if . In this paper, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for which .

1. Introduction

Let be a nonempty set and let be a mapping from into itself. Then, we call the iteration digraph from of , where the set of vertices of is and there is a directed edge from a vertex to a vertex if . In particular, there are many interesting structures on the digraphs when there is an algebraic structure on .

Many people study the iteration graphs from endomorphisms of finite abelian groups. The authors of [1] studied the digraph from the endomorphism of , where is a prime. These results were generalized to the digraph from any endomorphism of in [2]. Sha and Hu [3] studied some elementary properties of the digraph from any endomorphism of . They also obtained many elementary properties of the digraph from any endomorphism of finite cyclic groups in [3].

Let be a positive integer and lrt be two integers. In this paper, we denote by the digraph obtained from the affine mapping of , the ring of integers modulo . In particular, we set if , which is from an endomorphism .

We are mainly interested in the problem when . The authors in [2] gave an example . Let be a prime. Sha [4] showed that if and only if . In [5], Deng and Yuan gave a necessary and sufficient condition for , where is a prime. In this paper, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for when .

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we study the , where is a power of a prime. The main results are proved in Section 3. We also determined the digraph from projective map on one-dimensional projective space over a finite field in the last section.

2. Digraph Product and the Local Case

Let be a digraph and let be a vertex in . A component of a digraph is a subdigraph which is a maximal connected subgraph. Each component of a finite iteration graph contains a unique cycle. Let denote this -cycle. Let denote the number of cycle of length 1 in .

Let be iteration digraphs. The product is the digraph whose vertices are the ordered pairs , where and there is a directed edge from to if and only if there is a directed edge in from to for each . We use the following notation:

Lemma 1 (see [6]). is isomorphic to , which is a union of cycles, each having length .

Theorem 2. Let be the prime factorization of and let be two integers. Then

Proof. Let and . Assume that is the canonical isomorphism of rings. Then induces an isomorphism of digraphs.

2.1. The Case of Linear Maps

The structure of has been studied in [2, 4, 5]. We present some results here.

Lemma 3 (see [4]). Let be positive integers. Then one has the following.(i)If for any prime , then is a tree attached to the fixed point 0.(ii)If , then , where and is the Möbius function.

Let be the -adic valuation of for any prime and integer . It is the largest power of dividing for any prime and integer . We set as usual. If is a set of primes and is a positive integer, we denote that

Lemma 4. Let be a prime. Let be positive integers such that . The following statements are equivalent:(i);(ii);(iii);(iv) has a fixed point.

Proof. By hypothesis the statements , , and are equivalent to that the congruence equation that has a solution. Suppose that . Then has a fixed point since has a fixed point 0. So . On the other hand, if , then is an isomorphism of and .

Remark 5. Many people showed that the tree attached to any two cycle vertices in is isomorphic. Moreover, Deng and Yuan [5] showed that the tree attached to cycle vertices in is totally determined by , where is a prime. In fact, if we replace by in the arguments in [5], then the result is also valid.

2.2. The Case of Affine Maps

Lemma 6. Let be a positive integer, where is a prime and , .(i)If or , then for any integers .(ii)If and , assuming that , then

Proof. If , then it is clear that . Firstly, we assume that . By computation, for any and . But thus . It is clear that . So ; considering that . So if . Suppose that . If or , then Therefore, for any . Hence, for and . Thus, in this case.
Suppose that , . It remains to show that for . Let , where . By the discussion above we get and . Therefore, for . This finishes the proof.

Lemma 7. Let be a prime. Let be two positive integers such that . Then , where

Proof. Let . Then . We consider the following congruence equation Equation (8) has a solution if and only if . In this case, and , since . Since is the minimal positive integer such that , we get . Moreover, each integer is a solution of (8). Thus, is a union of cycles, each having length . The rest of the proof follows from Lemma 6.

The structure of digraph is clear now. We classify it as follows.Type : is a tree attached to a fixed point, which is determined by .Type : is a union of cycles, and the minimal length of these cycles is 1.Type : , where .

Let . By the properties of digraph product we see that where is a tree attached to a fixed point, is a union of cycles, and the minimal length of these cycles is 1, and .

3. The Main Results

We begin with some lemmas before we prove our main results.

Lemma 8. Suppose that is a permutation of a finite set and . Then for each .

Proof. Assume that is a cycle of length in such that , for and . Suppose that is contained in a cycle of length in . Then . Hence, splits into cycles with the same length . This completes the proof.

Lemma 9. Let be a permutation of a finite set , . Then(i) if and only if the numbers of fixed point of and are equal for each ;(ii) if and only if for each .

Proof. Suppose that and .
Assume that is an isomorphism of digraphs. Then for any . By induction, . Hence, is also an isomorphism of and . Thus, . Conversely, if , then . Assume that for any . By Lemma 8, and . Hence, and . The proof of statement (i) is complete by induction.
It remains to prove (ii). Assume that . Then , where maps to for any . Let . By Lemma 8,
If , then for each . Let in (10). We get . Conversely, if , then by (10) if . If , then Hence, if . Therefore, for any . By statement (i), .

In [3], Sha and Hu showed that if and only if , where is a prime and . We generalized this result to the following.

Lemma 10. Let , and be positive integers such that , . Then if and only if for any divisor of .

Proof. Let . By Lemma 3 and Möbius inverse transform for any . Suppose that for any divisor of . If , let ; then . Thus . By symmetry, we have if . Thus, . By Lemma 9, .
Conversely, if , then and for any . If , let ; then . Hence, . By symmetry, . Thus, . The proof is complete.

Theorem 11. Let be the prime factorization of and let , be integers, . Suppose that and that the minimal length of cycles in is . Then if and only if the following two conditions are satisfied.(i).(ii), , and for any divisor of .

Proof. Suppose that and that . We have the following decomposition: where is a tree attached to a fixed point, is a union of cycles, and the minimal length of these cycles is 1.
Therefore, if and only if the following two conditions hold.(iii).(iv) and .
However, by Remark 5, is equivalent to . It remains to show that is equivalent to . If is satisfied, then and by Lemma 10  . By Lemma 9, . Conversely, if holds, we have since the minimal length of cycles in is . So , , , and . The rest of proof follows from Lemmas 9 and 10.

Remark 12. Suppose that . By Theorem 11, we see that both and are the same types for any prime . Moreover, they are isomorphic if they are Type (1) or (3).

Example 13. Consider , , and . One has where . Hence, , but . This shows that even if , it may happen that . But we also see that , , and . In fact, we have the following result if is fixed.

Theorem 14. Let be the prime factorization of . The following three statements are equivalent for any integers , , and :(i);(ii);(iii) for each .

Proof. Let , , and .
. By Theorem 11  , , and . If , then , . If , Suppose for any , where . By Lemma 7, . Thus, for any . The result follows from that , .
. Assume that for each with . If , then by Lemma 4  . If , then . By Lemma 7 again , where .
follows immediately from (2).

4. The Digraph from Projective Map

Let be the one-dimensional projective space over , where if and only if there exists such that . With any invertible matrix over , we associate the Möbius transformation of as . Let be a polynomial over with . Recall that , the order of , is the minimal positive integer such that . We classify the digraph from Möbius transformation of as follows.

Theorem 15. Let . Suppose that and are the characteristic polynomial and minimal polynomial of , respectively. Then(i)if and , then ;(ii)if , then ;(iii)if and , then , where is the multiplicative order of ;(iv)if is irreducible over , then , where .

Proof. (i)–(iii). We see that is similar to , and in cases (i), (ii), and , respectively. But the digraphs are isomorphic from similar matrices. The results follows from a simple calculation.
It remains to prove . Let . We can consider as a subdigraph of under the natural inclusion . Then with some in . By (iii), , where is the multiplicative order of in . By a direct computation, we see that for if and only if . Hence, is a union of cycles of . However, has no fixed point since is irreducible. So the length of each cycle in is , and . Note that , and that . Therefore, . This finishes the proof.

Corollary 16. if and only if they have the same number of fixed points.