Clinical Study

Impact of Daily versus Weekly Supply of Locally Produced Ready-to-Use Food on Growth of Moderately Wasted Children on Nias Island, Indonesia

Table 4

Anthropometric indices and other program outcomes (during admission and before discharge/program closure) of moderately wasted children, by daily and weekly programs.

IndicatorsDaily programsWeekly programs value††

 Admission, kg 0.761
 Discharge, kg 0.572
 Difference, kg 0.778
 Weight gain, kg/day 0.600
 Weight gain, g/kg/day 0.117
 Admission, cm 0.962
 Discharge, cm 0.857
 Difference, cm 0.945
 Admission 0.079
 Discharge 0.027
 Change in -score 0.270
 Admission 0.939
 Discharge 0.803
 Change in -score 0.958
 Admission, cm 0.886
 Discharge, cm 0.176
 Difference, cm 0.230
Children who reached discharge criterion, % ( )76.5 (26)35.0 (7)0.004
Length of stay, day 0.665
RUF intake, g/day 0.594
Poor compliance*, % ( )23.5 (8)20.0 (4)1.000
Prevalence of illnesses at admission, % ( )
 Diarrhea 5.9 (2)15.0 (3)0.369
 Respiratory infection 61.8 (21)55.0 (11)0.389
 Fever 41.2 (14)30.0 (6)0.381
Number of children with illnesses during program period, % ( )
 Diarrhea 11.8 (4)20.0 (4)0.450
 Respiratory infection 58.8 (20)35.0 (7)0.775
 Fever 11.8 (14)20.0 (6)0.450

WHZ: weight-for-height -score; HAZ: height-for-age -score; MUAC: mid-upper arm circumference, RUF: ready-to-use foods.
Continuous variables written as mean ± SD, categorical variables presented as % ( ).
Length of stay for children who reached discharge criterion was defined as number of days until reaching WHZ ≥−1.5 SD; length of stay for children who did not reach discharge criterion was defined as number of days until program closure.
*Poor compliance was defined as reported inadequate RUF-Nias biscuit consumption (<80%) during the program period.
††Independent -test (continuous data) or Fisher’s exact test (percentages) for comparing daily and weekly programs.