Clinical Study

Biopsychosocial Aspects of Atypical Odontalgia

Table 4

Atypical odontalgia: revised criteria of Marbach.

Diagnostic criteria

(A) Pain is located in the face or described as a toothache
(B) The pain is described as a constant dull, deep ache (less than 10% of sufferers report occasional spontaneous sharp pains that overlay the ache. Sharp pain is not essential to meet criteria)
(C) A brief (seconds to minutes) pain free period is reported upon awakening from sleep. There are no refractory periods.
(D) Pain develops (or continues) within one month following endodontic treatment (usually in the surface of the face but ocasionally intraorally) a location with a much lowered pain threcshold (hyperalgesia), often surrounded by a larger area with less severe hyperalgesia.
(E) Sleep is undisturbed by pain or other phantom sensations
(F) No radiography or laboratory test suggest other sources of pain