
We describe a set consisting of tuples of integer sequences and provide certain explicit maps on it. We show that this defines a semiregular crystal for and , respectively. Furthermore, we define for any dominant integral weight a connected subcrystal in , such that this crystal is isomorphic to the crystal graph . Finally, we provide an explicit description of these connected crystals .

1. Introduction

Let be a symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra and let be the corresponding quantum algebra. For these quantum algebras, Kashiwara developed the crystal bases theory for integrable modules in [1] and thus provided a remarkable combinatorial tool for studying these modules. In particular crystal bases can be viewed as bases at and they contain structures of edge-colored oriented graphs satisfying a set of axioms, called the crystal graphs. These crystal graphs have certain nice properties; for instance, characters of -modules can be computed and the decomposition of tensor products of modules into irreducible ones can also be determined from the crystal graphs, to name but a few. It is thus an important problem to have explicit realizations of crystal graphs.

There are many such realizations, combinatorial and geometrical, worked out during the last decades; for instance, we refer to [25]. In [2], the authors give a tableaux realization of crystal graphs for irreducible modules over the quantum algebra for all classical Lie algebras, which is a purely combinatorial model. Another significant combinatorial model for any symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra is provided in [3], called Littelmann's path model. The underlying set here is a set of piecewise linear maps, and the crystal graph of an irreducible module of any dominant integral highest weight can be generated by an algorithm using the straight path connecting 0 and .

A geometrical realization of crystals is also known and is provided by Nakajima [5] by showing that there exists a crystal structure on the set of irreducible components of a lagrangian subvariety of the quiver variety . This realization can be translated into a purely combinatorial model, the set of Nakajima monomials, where the action of the Kashiwara operators can be understood as a multiplication with monomials. Moreover, it is shown in [6] that the connected component of any highest weight monomial of highest weight is isomorphic to the crystal graph obtained from Kashiwara's crystal bases theory. For special highest weight monomials these connected components are explicitly characterized for in [7] and for the other classical Lie algebras in [8]. A combinatorial isomorphism from connected components corresponding to arbitrary highest weight monomials of highest weight and those in [7, 8] is provided in [9] for the types and and in [10] for the types and .

In this paper we introduce a set consisting of tuples of integer sequences; that is, a typical element in is given by where each component consists of certain ordered pairs of integers, (see Definition 3). Furthermore, the number of nonzero components is finite. We provide certain maps on , the Kashiwara operators , , and maps , for all and prove that is a semiregular crystal if is or (see Definition 3 and Proposition 9).

Moreover, we introduce for any dominant integral weight a subcrystal as the connected component of containing a highest weight element and prove the following theorem.

Theorem 1. Let be a dominant integral weight, then there exists a crystal isomorphism mapping to the highest weight element .

Therefore, similar to the setting of Nakajima monomials, a natural question arises; namely, can one characterize for each dominant integral weight explicitly the sequences appearing in ? We answer this question by describing explicitly these connected components (for the special linear Lie algebra in Theorem 18 and the symplectic Lie algebra in Theorem 19).

Our paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we fix some notations and review briefly the crystal theory. In Section 3 we present the main definitions, especially the definition of and we equip our main object with a crystal structure. In Section 4 Nakajima monomials are recalled. In Section 5 we introduce for any dominant integral weight the subcrystals and describe them explicitly. Finally, in Section 6 we prove that they are isomorphic to .

2. Notations and a Review of Crystal Theory

Let be a complex simple Lie algebra of rank with index set and fix a Cartan subalgebra in and a Borel subalgebra . We denote by the root system of the Lie algebra, and corresponding to the choice of let be the subset of positive roots. Further, we denote by the corresponding basis of and the basis of the dual root system is denoted by . Let be a Cartan decomposition and for a given root let be the corresponding root space. For a dominant integral weight we denote by the irreducible -module with a highest weight . Fix a highest weight vector , then , where denotes the universal enveloping algebra of . For an indetermined element we denote by the corresponding quantum algebra. The theory of studying modules of quantum algebras is quite parallel to that of Kac-Moody algebras and the irreducible modules are classified again in terms of highest weights (see [11]). Using the crystal bases theory, introduced by Kashiwara in [1], we can compute the character of an integrable module in the category as follows: whereby is the crystal bases of (see [11]). The crystal graph associated with the irreducible module of highest weight is denoted by . So finding expressions for the characters can be achieved by finding explicit combinatorial description of crystal bases. For some examples we refer to [24].

From now on we assume that is a classical Lie algebra of type or . Note that the positive roots are all of the following form: Furthermore, let be the set of classical integral weights and be the set of classical dominant integral weights. Before we discuss the crystal bases theory in detail we review first the notion of abstract crystals.

2.1. Abstract Crystals

Crystal bases of integrable -modules in the category are characterized by certain maps satisfying some properties. One can define the abstract notion of crystals associated with a Cartan datum as follows.

Definition 2. Let be a finite index set and let be a generalized Cartan matrix with the Cartan datum . A crystal associated with the Cartan datum is a set together with maps , , and satisfying the following properties for all :(1), (2) if , (3) if , (4), if , (5), if , (6) if and only if for , (7)if for , then = 0. Furthermore, a crystal is said to be semiregular if the equalities hold.

The maps and are called Kashiwara's crystal operators and the map is called the weight function. So, on the one hand, one can associate with any integrable -module a set satisfying the properties from Definition 3, and, on the other hand, one can study the notion of abstract crystals. A natural question which arises at this point is therefore the following: can one determine whether an abstract crystal is the crystal of a module? Stembridge [12] gave a set of local axioms to characterize the set of crystals of module in the class of all crystals when is simply laced and a list of local axioms for -crystals is provided in [13]. In the following sections we define our underlying set and realize the crystal obtained from Kashiwara's crystal bases theory for the types and . We start by equipping our underlying set with an abstract crystal structure and later we prove that this crystal is the crystal of a module.

3. Tuples of Integer Sequences as Crystals

In this section we introduce a set consisting of tuples of integer sequences (see Definition 16) and a crystal structure on it in the sense of Definition 3. Our purpose is to identify for any dominant integral weight certain subcrystals ; that is, , such that has a strong connection to the crystal graph (see Corollary 21).

3.1. Set of Tuples of Integer Sequences

In order to define we consider a total order on if is of type and a total order on if is of type , namely, respectively. Furthermore, especially in Section 5, we need for type the following bijective map: For , we set to be the set of all sequences with , such that where denotes the maximal element in with respect to . We denote by the unique element in .

Definition 3. We define to be the set of all infinite sequences where each component is contained in and only finitely many components are nonzero. We identify with the sequences of the form .

Before we mention the crystal structure on we will initially introduce a list of properties. We need these to define the Kashiwara operators. Let be an arbitrary element and fix :(a)() replace in (a) by , (b)(c)(d)() replace everywhere in (d) by .

Let us consider an example.

Example 4. Let , , and then satisfies (a) while violates (a).
Let , , and then satisfies (c).

Remark 5. If satisfies () and (), respectively, then it satisfies also (a) and (d), respectively. If is further of type , these properties can be simplified. In particular, the properties (), (b), (d), and () are superfluous.

Henceforth we define a crystal structure on , such that the semiregularity holds. For this let be such a sequence with finitely many components different from zero; recall that each component is a sequence as in (8). The weight function is given by where and . Suppose that the nonzero components in are given by . For fixed we define the following maps.

(i) For  , let be the map given by where Furthermore, we define to be the sequence which arises out of by if satisfies (a). If satisfies (b), let be the sequence which arises out of by replacing by . If neither (a) nor (b) is fulfilled, we set .

(ii) For , let be the map given by where We define to be the sequence which arises out of by if satisfies (c). If satisfies (d), let be the sequence which arises out of by replacing by . If neither (c) nor (d) is fulfilled, we set .

Remark 6. For , we set .
Note that the image of under the maps   and , respectively, is contained in , that is,

One important fact about these maps is described in the next lemma.

Lemma 7. Let be nonzero sequences as in (8), then one has

Proof. One can easily show that satisfies (a) if and only if satisfies (c). Hence, we can suppose that does not fulfill all properties enumerated in (a). By observing the action we see that arises from by replacing by , which means that (c) is violated. In particular does not appear in and appears in , which means that the properties in (d) hold. Hence, . The arguments for the reverse direction are the same.

Let Now we are able to define the Kashiwara operators, Let us consider an example.

Example 8. Let and with For , we get and hence
 Let and with then , and

It remains to define the maps and . These maps are given by the next formula:

Proposition 9. The set becomes a semiregular crystal.

Proof. In Lemma 10 we proof the semiregularity of , which ensures that and from Definition 3 hold. So, to verify the proposition, it is sufficient to prove , , , and , where and are easily checked with the help of Remark 6. Let us start by proving ; so let be arbitrary with finitely many nonzero components, say, . Then we order these components in a way such that the first components are contained in followed by components in and the last ones are contained in . So we can write the set of nonzero components of as a disjoint union of three subsets . Further let be the element in obtained from by replacing all components not belonging to by . And and , respectively, are similarly defined using and , respectively. Then we get where the sequence is the first nonzero element in . A short calculation shows Now we proceed to prove . By the definition of the Kashiwara operators and Lemma 7, it is enough to show that   and . Since the proofs are similar, we prove only the latter equation. Assume that and , then Subsequently we have In the case where , we obtain

Hence we have shown that the set is an abstract crystal provided that the semiregularity is shown. Thus, our aim now is to verify that the maps and , respectively, determine how often one can act with and , respectively. The semiregularity is a necessary condition of a crystal , if one wants to identify it with the crystal graph .

Lemma 10. Let and   be as in (32). For a given element one obtains

Proof. We proof the statement by induction on ; so let and suppose first that . By the definition of and we have which is a contradiction to . Hence, we have and as a consequence we obtain , which proves the initial step. Now assume that and consider the element , where we again presume initially . By applying the induction hypothesis and using we arrive at If , The proof of the remaining equality is quite parallel.

Before we introduce the subcrystals we need some facts about the theory of tensor products of crystals. The tensor product rule is a very nice combinatorial feature and important to realize the crystal bases of a tensor product of two -modules.

4. Tensor Products and Nakajima Monomials

In this section, we want to recall tensor products of crystals and investigate the action of Kashiwara operators on tensor products. With the aim of having a different realization of from our approach, we want to introduce the set of all Nakajima monomials, such that we can think of in terms of certain monomials. This theory is discovered by Nakajima [14] and generalized by Kashiwara [6].

4.1. Tensor Product of Crystals

Suppose that we have two abstract crystals , in the sense of Definition 3, then we can construct a new crystal which is as a set . This crystal is denoted by and the Kashiwara operators are given as follows: Furthermore, one can describe explicitly the maps , , and on , namely, One of the most important interpretations of the tensor product rule is the following theorem (for more details see [11]).

Theorem 11. Let be an integrable module in the category and let   be a crystal  bases of . Set and . Then   is a crystal  bases of .

4.2. Nakajima Monomials

For and , we consider monomials in the variables ; that is, we obtain the set of Nakajima monomials as follows: With the goal of defining a crystal structure on , we take some integers such that . Let now be an arbitrary monomial in and ; then we set. The Kashiwara operators are defined as follows: whereby The following two results are shown by Kashiwara [6].

Proposition 12. With the maps , , , , , , the set becomes a semiregular crystal.

Remark 13. A priori the crystal structure depends on ; hence, we will denote this crystal by . But it is easy to see that the isomorphism class of does not depend on this choice. In the literature is often chosen as

Proposition 14. Let be a monomial in , such that for all . Then the connected component of containing is isomorphic to .

According to the latter proposition, it is of great interest to describe these connected components explicitly. This is worked out for special highest weight monomials for all classical Lie algebras in [7, 8] and for the affine Lie algebra in [15]. We recall the results here only for type stated originally in [8].

Proposition 15. Let be a dominant integral weight and consider the highest weight monomial . Then the connected component of containing is characterized as the set of monomials of the form satisfying (1)  for all ,(2)  for all ,(3)  for all and , where

Summarized, we have a semiregular crystal and for each dominant integral weight certain connected subcrystals contained in . These are isomorphic to and an explicit description of these components is worked out for the classical simple Lie algebras and . In the remaining parts of this paper we prove a similar result as Propositions 14 and 15, whereby our “big” semiregular crystal is .

5. Explicit Description of the Connected Components

In this section we define for the dominant integral weights certain connected subcrystals . Furthermore, we provide an explicit description of these crystals in Theorems 18 and 19, respectively; that is, we give a set of conditions describing .

Definition 16. For a dominant integral weight , let be the connected component of containing

Note that the weight of is precisely . Furthermore, by definition, is connected and for we can immediately provide a description of . To be more accurate we prove as a first step the following proposition:

Proposition 17. Let ; then one obtains

Proof. Since is stable under the Kashiwara operators and (Remark 6), it is enough to prove that is the unique highest weight element in , that is, Assume and . If , we have and if , we have . So let (this case cannot appear if ); then since , and , we obtain that . Thus, satisfies (d) and hence . According to these calculations, the pair must appear in . This implies .
For general λ’s, we can describe the connected components and refer to the following two subsections.

5.1. Explicit Description of in Type

In this subsection we give an explicit characterization of if is the special linear Lie algebra; that is, we give conditions whether a sequence is contained in or not (Theorem 18). Initially we note that lives in and the first components are nonzero. For simplicity we set , , , and .

Theorem 18. The crystal consists of all sequences such that (1) for all pairs , say,   and one has(i), for all , (ii), for all , (iii), for all , (2) there is no pair of the form with .

Proof. First we note that the element is contained in and is a highest weight element. Furthermore, we claim that is the unique highest weight element. So suppose that we have another element satisfying for all . Let be the lowest integer which appears in one of the sequences and let be the minimal integer such that appears in , say,. In the case where such a does not exist, we have . We remark that would imply the claim, whereby the reason is the following: assume that (56) holds and let . If and , we set and else. In either case we obtain , which is a contradiction to (56). So if suffices to show (56).
Primarily we claim that . Assume that the element is not in the aforementioned set; then the property is violated by the choice of and because Hence, there exists a pair which forces and thus, again by the choice of , the remaining sequences are again contained in the set . As a consequence, a short calculation by using Lemma 10 shows the uniqueness of the a highest weight element, namely, In order to obtain a connected crystal it remains to show that . Assume that , say, where we set for simplicity . Our goal here is to show that the properties and hold for , where we start by proving .
It is easy to see that can only be violated if one of the following two cases occurs:(i),(ii). In either case we obtain , which is a contradiction to the choice of . The proof of the fact that holds will proceed in several cases. In the remaining parts we denote the entries of by , that is,
Case ( is violated for the pair ). Let and . We first consider the case , which means that we replace by . Since the entries stay unchanged, only property (i) can be violated. However, property (i) is still fulfilled because If we replace by and hence is obviously fulfilled. So suppose that , which means that we add the entry . The equality and inequality imply that property is still fulfilled. Furthermore, since for , , and , we obtain which particularly means that Case can never appear.
Case 1.2 ( is violated for the pair ). For simplicity, we set and . In that case there exists at least one , such that Necessarily we must have and in the case where (65) implies As a consequence we get that appears in while does not appear and thus , which is a contradiction to the choice of .
Eventually if , we obtain in a similar way which forces on the one hand and on the other hand that does not appear in . To be more precise, we can conclude the latter statement with the help of and , namely, Thus, we get again , which is once more a contradiction to the choice of .
Case 1.3 ( is violated for the pair ). Here we have and if , we must have because otherwise would not be violated. We first consider the case where and notice that the only possible violation is given by the following inequality: We can conclude that does not occur in because either and hence or and is applicable, which yields . To obtain a contradiction we have to show that appears in . If , this follows by the subsequent calculation: If , we obtain with property that . In particular we actually have because otherwise we would get Eventually we can conclude again that must appear in Now we suppose . Then an easy consideration shows that can only be violated if and thus we obtain similarly as before that the only violation which can occur is the following: where we expect . We would like to show as before that does not appear in while appears. We either have and thus or . In the latter case we apply property and obtain In either case we notice that does not occur in .
In order to prove the remaining part we consider the element which is considerable, since In the case where is greater than , we obtain and otherwise by using property we get . Thus,
Case 1.4 ( is violated for the pair ). We suppose that is violated, which forces . In the case where , we have It follows that appears and does not appear in because would imply Consequently, and we obtain as usual a contradiction to the choice of .
If the remaining case occurs, then one of the inequalities must be violated. Clearly, the only possibility is that does not hold. If , we get and else we can assume so that is applicable, which yields Therefore, does not appear in . In what follows, we finish our proof by showing that appears in . If , we can apply and get If , we can verify with that , but the assumption   yields in a contradiction, namely, So and we obtain the required equality .
The proof of is similar, which completes the proof.

5.2. Explicit Description of in Type

In this subsection we would like to give an explicit characterization of if is a symplectic Lie algebra. In order to state the main theorem we fix some notation.

For an arbitrary subset , , and , we set The analogue result to Theorem 18 for type is the following.

Theorem 19. The crystal consists of all sequences such that (1)for all pairs , say,   and one has(i), for all , (ii), for all , (iii), for all , (2)there is no pair of the form with , (3)there is no pair with the following property: there exists with(a), (b), (c),(4)there is no pair with the following property: there exists with(a), (b), (c).

Proof. First of all we note as in the case that the element is contained in and is a highest weight element. In order to prove that is the unique highest weight element in we assume to be another one. Let be the lowest integer which appears in one of the sequences and let be the minimal integer such that appears in , say,. We can prove similar to Theorem 18 that the elements are contained in . Accordingly we get once more with Lemma 10 (similar to the case) Our aim is again to prove the impossibility of . Let . If , , and , we set and if , is not satisfied, we set and obtain similar to Theorem 18 that . Thus, the only remaining case which can appear is when , , and . In this particular case we set and claim . The latter claim is true because on the one hand we have and on the other hand we got , which verifies the properties listed in (d). To be more precise, if , we have and if , we have .
In order to finish the theorem it remains to show that is stable under the Kashiwara operators, that is, . Assume that , say, Our aim here is to prove that the properties hold for , whereby the verification of the first and the second properties proceeds almost similar to Theorem 18. Nevertheless we will demonstrate some parts of it in Case 1. In the remaining parts of our proof, we set and , whenever they are contained in . We will divide our proof into several cases.
Case  1 ( or ). Here we assume that the action of the Kashiwara operator on is given in a way such that satisfies property (a). It means that we either replace by or add the pair as described in Section 3. Here we consider again several cases, where each case assumes that a condition described in Theorem 19 is violated.
Subcase ( is violated for the pair ). Since is violated, there must exist an element such that Further, as in Subcase 1.2 of Theorem 18, one can verify that does not appear in and if in addition holds, then occurs in . Consequently must be contained in because otherwise we would obtain a contradiction to the choice of . Hence, if we take , it follows immediately that the properties (a), (b), and (c) in hold for the pair , which is impossible. For instance (c) is fulfilled with (91), since The other violations of the properties in or can be proven similarly, so that we consider as a next step the following case.
Subcase ( is violated for the pair ). A simple case-by-case observation shows that this case can only occur if there exists , such that (a), (b) and (c) are satisfied. Suppose that there exists an element in the set , such that and is minimal with this property. In the case where such an element does not exist we set . We claim the following.
Claim. Let be as described before; then
Proof of the Claim. We consider again various cases, starting with (i): the minimality of implies , which yields (ii) and : using the minimality of we obtain similarly and , for some integer . Therefore, the following calculation implies (94): (iii): the minimality of provides . Hence, which finishes the proof of the claim.
As a consequence of (94) we obtain where the first estimation is strict if . Hence, we have a contradiction to the assumption that (c) holds.
Subcase   ( is violated for the pair ). In that case there exists , such that (a), (b), and (c) is satisfied. Therefore, we must have because otherwise we obtain a contradiction to the choice of . It follows that where the first estimation is strict whenever and thus provides a contradiction to (c).
Subcase ( is violated for the pair ). It is easy to see that this case can never appear.
Subcase ( is violated for the pair ). In that case we have two possibilities, where we start by supposing that there is , such that the properties (a), (b), and (c) are fulfilled. Similar to Subcase 1.3, we must have an element because otherwise we would obtain a contradiction to the choice of . Subsequently we get where the first estimation is strict provided that meaning that this calculation contradicts once more property (c).
The last and second possibility which can occur is that there exists , such that the properties (a), (b), and (c) are fulfilled.
Then we make a similar construction as in Subcase 1.2; namely, we suppose that such that and . If such an element exists we choose maximal with this property and otherwise we set . Using the maximality, we can verify similar to (94) the correctness of As a corollary we obtain as usual a contradiction to property (c) (recall that ) where the first estimation is strict whenever is satisfied.
Case 2 (). Now we assume that the action of the Kashiwara operator on is given in a way such that satisfies property (b) while (a) is violated, which in particular means that we replace the entry by . Since the proofs are similar to Case 1, we do not give them in full details. We only consider the case where we presume that property is violated, that is, one has the following.
Subcase ( is violated for the pair ). It is easy to see that this case can never appear.
Subcase ( is violated for the pair ). The first possibility which can occur is that there exists , such that the properties (a), (b), and (c) are fulfilled. Because of (a) and , we must have since otherwise we would obtain that satisfies (a) (from Section 3) and thus the Kashiwara operator would act as in Case 1. Accordingly we can apply our assumptions to and obtain a contradiction to (c), namely, The second and last possibility which can occur in that case isthat there exists , such that the properties (a), (b), and (c) are fulfilled. As before we can assume . Suppose that there exists (), such that and is minimal with this property. If such an element does not exist, we set . Similar to (94) one gets Using this inequality we arrive once more at a contradiction, namely, The proof of is similar, which completes the proof.

6. Crystal Bases as Tuples of Integer Sequences

In this section we will verify with Theorem 20 that the crystal can be identified with the crystal graph obtained from Kashiwara's crystal bases theory. Our strategy here is to show that there exists an isomorphism of onto the connected component of containing , where denotes the highest weight element in . For the proofs in type we will need a result stated in [16], where the affine type A Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals are realized via polytopes. We will need the realization of level 1 KR-crystals especially, since they are as classical crystals isomorphic to . In type we will use a short induction argument to prove our results.

Theorem 20. Let be an arbitrary dominant integral weight and set as before. Thenone has the following.(1)If , one has an isomorphism of crystals .(2)If and is the maximal integer such that , one obtains a strict crystal morphism mapping to the tensor product , where .

Proof. With the help of Proposition 17, the crystal is characterized as . In the case where is of type , we will consider the map whereby is a pattern as in [16, Definition 2], with filling By an inspection of the crystal structure on the KR-crystal ([16, Section 3.2]), it is easy to see that this map becomes an isomorphism of crystals.
If is of type , the proof of part will proceed by upward induction on . An observation of the crystal graph of proves the initial step. Now we assume the correctness of the claim for all integers less than , especially we have . For the purpose of completing the induction we consider the injective map given by If would be a strict crystal morphism, we would get , which finishes the induction. Therefore, we prove that is a strict crystal morphism, where we consider the cases and separately. In the separated cases we draw a part of the crystal graph in order to see that the properties of a crystal morphism hold. If , we obtain and if , we get(1)if   (see Figure 1),(2)if and   (see Figure 2),(3)if and   (see Figure 3).Thus, from now on we can presume that or . Let be an arbitrary integer. We set for convenience ; then The proof of is an intensive investigation of the properties (a)–(d) listed in Section 3. To avoid confusion with indices we consider only the following case:(i) or : the case is very simple because satisfies neither (a) nor (b), which yields . Furthermore, since , we get . Consequently . So it remains to consider the case . Here we claim the following: let be the property which arises from by erasing the condition , then satisfies if and only if satisfies .
First we observe that the property is equivalent to , so that we can ignore it. We start the proof by assuming that satisfies and does not satisfy , for example, . This case is only possible if and thus , which is a contradiction. Since is always fulfilled if , we can assume that and additionally . Without loss of generality we set because else we have . As a consequence we get which is again a contradiction.
According to these calculations, must satisfy . To show the other direction, let violate one of the properties in , for example, . Then we must have and which violates . The only additional possibility which can occur, such that does not satisfy , is and . Then we get , which is a contradiction to and so the reverse direction is also completed.
According to this we have and .
To show the existence of a morphism of crystals we have to show (among others) the weight invariance of , which is proven by the following calculation: The verification of is therefore proven with Definition 3 and (119). Suppose now that and acts on the second tensor. A short investigation of the crystal graph (113) yields Since , we obtain that because if and would satisfy (a), it would automatically follow that satisfies () which is impossible since . Thus, .
If and acts on the first tensor, we get with the tensor product rule . Note that the operation with the Kashiwara operator would change the entry in if and only if either or and is not subject to (a). Our goal is to show here that has no effect on . If , we would get and thus a contradiction to . In the case where , we have that (b) is not fulfilled for . Therefore, must be subject to (a). Consequently we obtain that must fulfill (a) as well because otherwise we would end in a contradiction; namely, the only property in (a) which can be violated is . So if is contained in the aforementioned set, we get by the definition of that . Hence, must be contained in the set , which is impossible.
Thus, the entry stays unchanged in which provides . The proof of is similar, which completes the proof of .
In order to prove we will check as in step for step the properties of a morphism of crystals. We get The same is trivially fulfilled for because of Definition 3 and the weight invariance of . Now suppose that is as in (25). If we apply the Kashiwara operator to the tensor product , we obtain with the above calculations According to this we get that if acts on the first tensor and if acts on the second tensor. The proof for the Kashiwara operator works similarly.

Corollary 21. One has an isomorphism of crystals

Proof. The proof will proceed by induction on , where the initial step is exactly part of Theorem 20. If and is the maximal integer where is non zero, we can assume with the induction hypothesis that and . The rest of the proof is done with part of Theorem 20, since the map is injective and the image is a connected crystal containing the highest weight element .


The author was sponsored by the SFB/TR 12-Symmetries and Universality in Mesoscopic Systems.