
This paper is a contribution to the study of the automorphism groups of - designs. Let be - design and Aut a block transitive and a point primitive. If is unsolvable, then Soc, the socle of , is not .

1. Introduction

A design is a pair consisting of a finite set of points and a collection of of , called blocks, such that any 2-subsets of are contained in exactly one block. We will always assume that .

Let be a group of automorphisms of a design . Then is said to be block transitive on if is transitive on and is said to be point transitive (point primitive) on if is transitive (primitive) on . A flag of is a pair consisting of a point and a block through that point. Then is flag transitive on if is transitive on the set of flags.

The classification of block transitive designs was completed about thirty years ago (see [1]). In [2], Camina and Siemons classified designs with a block transitive, solvable group of automorphisms. Li classified designs admitting a block transitive, unsolvable group of automorphisms (see [3]). Tong and Li [4] classified designs with a block transitive, solvable group of automorphisms. Han and Li [5] classified designs with a block transitive, unsolvable group of automorphisms. Liu [6] classified (where ) designs with a block transitive, solvable group of automorphisms. In [7], Han and Ma classified designs with a block transitive classical simple group of automorphisms.

This paper is a contribution to the study of the automorphism groups of designs. Let be design and a block transitive and a point primitive. We prove the following theorem.

Main Theorem. Let be design and a block transitive and a point primitive. If is unsolvable, then .

2. Preliminary Results

Let be a design defined on the point set and suppose that is an automorphism group of that acts transitively on blocks. For a design, as usual, denotes the number of blocks and denotes the number of blocks through a given point. If is a block, denotes the setwise stabilizer of in and is the pointwise stabilizer of in . Also, denotes the permutation group induced by the action of on the points of , and so .

Lemma 1 (see [8]). Let , , , then every maximal subgroup of is conjugate to one of the following: (1); (2); (3); (4); (5), if ; (6); (7); (8); (9); (10); (11); (12), where and be prime.

Lemma 2 (see [9]). Let be an exceptional simple group of Lie type over , and let be a group with . Suppose that is a maximal subgroup of not containing , then one of the following holds: (1); (2), or , if ; (3) is a parabolic subgroup of .

Lemma 3 (see [7]). Let and be a group and a design, and be block transitive and point primitive but not flag transitive. Let . Then where and is the length of the longest suborbit of on .

3. Proof of the Main Theorem

Proposition 4. Let be design and let be block transitive and point primitive but not flag transitive, then .

Proof. Let . Obviously, Since , we get . Otherwise, , by [9], is flag transitive, a contradiction. Thus, .

Proposition 5. Let be design and let be block transitive and point primitive but not flag transitive and be even. If be unsolvable, then .

Proof. Let . Since is unsolvable, then the structure of and the rank and subdegree of do not occur: Otherwise, is odd and . We have and are odd. Since and , then is odd and is also odd, a contradiction with be even. Thus, . By Lemma 3, By Proposition 4,

Now we may prove our main theorem.

Suppose that , then . We have , where , the outer automorphisms group of which may be generated by an automorphism of field. By [8], we may assume that is an automorphism of field. Set , then . Obviously, . By [10] and , is not flag transitive. Since is point primitive, () is the maximal subgroup of and is block transitive in . Hence, satisfies one of the three cases in Lemma 2. We will rule out these cases one by one.

Case 1 (). By Proposition 5, we have an upper bound of , We get that is, Thus, or and or . Since is odd, then contains a Sylow 2-subgroup of . Clearly is contained in some maximal subgroups of . By Lemma 1, , where (). Then or . By Proposition 4 and rather long and repetitive numerical calculations, we get a contradiction.

Case 2 (, or , if ). Obviously, and or . By Proposition 4, we have or , a contradiction.

Case 3 ( is a parabolic subgroup of ). By Lemma 1, the parabolic subgroup of is conjugate to or . Then the order of parabolic subgroup is or . We get or . By Proposition 4, we have or . But Obviously, or , a contradiction.

This completes the proof the Main Theorem.


This work is supported by the NNSFC (Grant no. 11271208) and the Scientific Reaserch Fund of Heilonjiang Provincial Education Departement (Grant no. 11553116).