Review Article

The Destructive Capacity of Drug Abuse: An Overview Exploring the Harmful Potential of Drug Abuse Both to the Individual and to Society

Table 2

Classification of illegal drugs [1].

Class in misuse of drugs actComments

EcstasyAEssentially 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA)
LSDALysergic acid diethylamide
CocaineAIncludes crack cocaine
HeroinACrude diamorphine
Street methadoneADiverted prescribed methadone
MethylphenidateBFor example, ritalin (methylphenidate)
BuprenorphineCFor example, temgesic, subutex
BenzodiazepinesCFor example, valium (diazepam), librium (chlordiazepoxide)
GHBCGamma 4-hydroxybutyric acid
Anabolic steroidsC
AlcoholNot controlled if over 18 years in UK
Alkyl nitritesNot controlled
KetamineNot controlled at the time of assessment; controlled as class C since January 2007
KhatNot controlled
SolventsNot controlled; sales restricted
TobaccoNot controlled if over 16 years in UK