Research Article

Passive and Active Restoration Strategies to Activate Soil Biogeochemical Nutrient Cycles in a Degraded Tropical Dry Land

Table 2

Mean values of fractions for fine litter production (FLP) (kg ha−1 yr−1) and standing litter (SL) (kg ha−1) in successional patches (SP) and forest plantations (FP). Standard deviation is in parentheses. ML and NL: leaf litter of mosquero and neem in their respective ecosystem; OL: other leaves; RM: reproductive material; WM: woody material; OR: other rests unidentified.

(kg ha−1 per two weeks)(kg ha−1 yr−1)(kg ha−1 yr−1)

ML, NL15.4 (10.6)8.0 (6.2)2.85**477.9184.8238.973.14.87***
OL3.1 (3.1)7.3 (3.3)4.43***116.9176.946.7181.32.35
RM8.7 (6.9)5.8 (6.0)1.07227.1135.8NDNDND
WM1.7 (1.6)1.9 (0.9)0.7452.748.164.3111.80.17
OR0.5 (1.0)0.5 (0.5)0.2827.611.919.1184.90.0002

Total29.3 (18.3)23.4 (11.5)1.09902.2557.5369.0451.11.08

**, *** Denote significant differences between means at  P values ≤ 0.01 and ≤ 0.001, respectively (t-test).
ND: not determined.