Research Article

Complete Mitogenomes of Euploea mulciber (Nymphalidae: Danainae) and Libythea celtis (Nymphalidae: Libytheinae) and Their Phylogenetic Implications

Table 5

Nucleotide composition and skewness in the rhopaloceran mitogenomes.

Major strand PCGsMinor strand PCGsWhole PCGsWhole genome
SpeciesA + TAT skewGC skewA + TAT skewGC skewA + TAT skewGC skewA + TAT skewGC skew

Papilio xuthus 77.1 79.8 0.334 78.1 80.0
Agehana maraho 77.1 79.8 0.334 78.1 80.6
Teinopalpus aureus 77.2 80.0 0.322 78.3 79.8
Troides aeacus 77.7 81.1 0.332 79.1 80.2
Parnassius bremeri 78.9 82.2 0.281 80.2 81.3 −0.011−0.194
Sericinus montela 78.5 81.8 0.301 79.8 81.0
Luehdorfia chinensis 78.0 81.9 0.296 79.6 80.5
Ctenoptilum vasava 77.2 81.6 0.285 78.9 80.5
Pieris rapae 77.2 79.8 0.358 78.2 79.7
Artogeia melete 77.7 79.7 0.324 78.4 79.8 0.012 −0.222
Coreana raphaelis 80.3 83.4 0.270 81.5 82.7
Protantigius superans 79.3 81.9 0.276 80.3 81.7
Spindasis takanonis 80.1 82.7 0.338 81.1 82.4
Apatura ilia 77.9 80.7 0.314 79.0 80.4
Sasakia charonda 76.9−0.118−0.152 80.0 −0.194 0.330 78.1 −0.147 0.023 79.9 −0.006−0.219
Sasakia  77.2 79.7 0.324 78.2 79.9
Kallima inachus 78.1 81.1 0.336 79.2 80.3
Parathyma sulpitia 79.2−0.172−0.100 83.1 −0.154 0.266 80.6 −0.164 0.026 81.9 −0.048−0.178
Eumenis autonoe 75.4−0.135−0.187 79.3 −0.193 0.337 76.8 −0.159−0.004 79.1 −0.016−0.244
Calinaga davidis 77.5−0.164−0.147 81.1 −0.159 0.270 78.8 −0.162−0.005 80.4 −0.045−0.200
Acraea issoria 76.7−0.142−0.176 80.1 −0.164 0.307 78.0 −0.146−0.009 79.7 −0.024−0.238
Argyreus hyperbius 77.8−0.136−0.153 82.0 −0.166 0.322 79.4 −0.149 0.010 80.8 −0.025−0.219
Libythea celtis 78.8
Euploea mulciber 79.0

Start codons and stop codons were excluded in the count.
The skewness of whole PCGs and whole genome were calculated from major strands. Sasakia charonda kuriyamaensis.