
Considering the Julia sets of a family of rational maps concerning two-dimensional diamond hierarchical Potts models in statistical mechanics, we show the continuity of their Hausdorff dimension.

1. Introduction

The continuity of Hausdorff dimension of Julia sets is an important and interesting problem for rational maps with degree . In general, this problem adheres to the continuity of Julia sets which is response to the stability of system. It is well known that both the Julia set and its Hausdorff dimension of a rational map vary continuously in the parameter space if is hyperbolic [1, 2]. However, as we know, there are no direct relationship between them when is not hyperbolic though there are many works devoted to the two problems [1, 3, 4].

In this paper, we discuss a family of rational maps for ; here with two parameters and . is a renormalization transformation of -state Potts models on the two-dimensional diamond-like hierarchical lattice with bifurcation number in statistical mechanics [5]. In turn, the zeros of the partition function for the model with bifurcation number condense to the Julia sets of [6]. It has been shown that there exists some relationship between the critical temperatures, the critical amplitudes, and the structures of the Julia sets [7]. Therefore, much interest has been devoted to these physical models, since they exhibit a connection between statistical mechanics and complex dynamics [6, 815].

We have known that, for any given , the Julia set of is continuous in the Hausdorff distance for any except two points [11]. Whether the Hausdorff dimension of is also continuous for any except two points? From the proof of the main result in [10, 11], for even integer , it is easy to see that is hyperbolic in the real axis except countable points. Except at most three points from those countable points, is subhyperbolic but not hyperbolic; though the dynamical property of is simple, it is difficult to compute all the iteration number of critical points which are eventually equal to the repelling fixed points in the iteration of . Therefore, we cannot give a quantitative analysis for the corresponding critical points when the parameter is close to the above points. For any odd integer , there exist at least two real numbers such that and are Feigenbaum-like maps [15]. As we have seen, for the simplest Feigenbaum quadratic polynomials, the continuity of Hausdorff dimension of its Julia sets is unknown. Based on the above reason, we just consider the case for .

We define the following constants:

We have the following result.

Theorem 1. is defined in (1) and . Let be the Hausdorff dimension of . Then is continuous at .

2. Some Notations and Preliminary Results

Let be a rational map with degree . We denote by   the th iteration of . A point is called critical point if . A point is called periodic point if for some ; the minimal of such is called the period of . For a periodic point , denote the multiplier of by ; the periodic point is either attracting, indifferent, or repelling according to , or . In the indifferent case, we say is parabolic if is a root of unity.

The Julia set, denoted by , is the closure of repelling periodic points. Its complement is called Fatou set, denoted by ; a connected component of is called a Fatou component. A rational map is called hyperbolic, if , and geometrically finite, if the set is finite; here the postcritical set of is the closure of the forward orbits of critical points. A geometrically finite map is subhyperbolic (resp. parabolic) if it has no (resp. some) parabolic periodic points. It is called critically nonrecurrent if for each critical point , where is the -limit set of . A critically nonrecurrent map is semihyperbolic if it has no parabolic periodic points. For the classical results in complex dynamics, see [12, 16, 17].

Definition 2. A domain is called a John domain if there exists such that, for any , there is an arc joining to some fixed reference point satisfying If , we use the spherical metric to measure the distance.

Lemma 3 (see [18]). Suppose is semihyperbolic rational map, then every Fatou component of is a John domain.

Definition 4. A probability measure on the Julia set is called -conformal measure for a rational map if for every Borel set such that is injective; is called the conformal exponent about .

Lemma 5 (see [19]). Let denote the Hausdorff dimension of of a subhyperbolic rational map , then there exists a unique invariant probability measure equivalent to the -conformal measure; moreover, the normalized -dimension Hausdorff measure is the only -dimension conformal measure for .

Lemma 6 (see [1]). Any normalized invariant conformal probability measure supported on the Julia set of a geometrically finite rational map   is either the conformal measure of Hausdorff dimension of , or an atomic measure supported on the inverse orbits of parabolic points and critical points.

For simplicity, , and () means that for some implicit constant . By (1), for , we have So, has ten critical points: 1, , (with the multiplicity 2), (with the multiplicity 3), . It is easy to see that and are two superattracting fixed points.

Lemma 7 (see [6]). , , and(1) has only two real fixed points , 1 for ;(2) has only two real fixed points 1, for ;(3) has only three real fixed points , , 1 , for or ;(4) has only three real fixed points , 1, , for ;(5) has only four real fixed points , 0, 1, for ;(6) has only four real fixed points , , 1, for ;(7) has only four real fixed points , , 1, for ;(8) has only four real fixed points , 0, 1, for .

Lemma 8 (see [10]). is hyperbolic for , is subhyperbolic, and and are parabolic.

3. The Proof of Theorem 1

In the following, we denote , is the repelling fixed point for close but not equal to , and is also the repelling fixed point for close but not equal to . It is easy to see that when , .

Proposition 9. Consider as ; here for and for .

Proof. Considering the real fixed points of and taking , from the equation , it follows that
When is close but not equal to , denote that (1) If , . By the continuity, . By (6) and , it satisfies Substituting (8) with (7), by a calculation, we can deduce that then .(2) If , . By the similar method used in Case , we can deduce that .

Proposition 10. is continuous for .

Proof. By Lemma 8, is hyperbolic for close but not equal to . Then there exists a unique conformal probability measure for supported in ; has exponent . This means that, for every measurable set where is injective, . Furthermore the measure of a point is zero for ; that is, is not atomic.
Since is subhyperbolic, by Lemma 5, there exists a unique conformal probability measure for supported in . By cases and in the proof of Theorem 1 of the paper [10], we know that for . By Lemma 6, the unique conformal probability measure has exponent or is atomic, supported in . By a similar discussion used in [4], in order to prove that it is enough to prove that here . Noting that and are symmetry with the real axis, it suffices to prove that In fact, if is any weak limit of , then is a conformal probability measure for supported in . The previous limit implies that the measure is not atomic at , so, it has exponent . Noting that and as for any measurable set , it follows that . Next we set that is close but not equal to .
Since and are the real repelling fixed points of and , respectively, by the continuity, as . By the Koenig’s Theorem [16], there exist a neighborhood of with diameter not more than a and a conformal map for some such that conjugates on to the scaling function on . Similarly, there exists a conformal map which conjugates to the scaling function . It is easy to construct a quasiconformal map ; here and , such that for . Pull back by the scaling function; we can extend to a quasiconformal map which conjugates to . For every , define Hence, is a conjugation between on and on . Let , by definition, and .
Reducing if necessary, there are constants and such that, for all , all , and all , On the other hand, for every , let be the preimage of under containing , and let be the pullback of by containing . Moreover, we denote by containing and let be the pullback of by containing . By Koebe Distortion Theorem, reducing if necessary, there is an implicit constant such that, for all and all , So, ; that is, the distortion of in is bounded by ; denote this property as the uniform Bounded Distortion Property.
We also denote the largest such that for small enough and all sufficiently close to . It follows that, for , . The following suffices to prove that Step 1. Let be a disc containing , small enough such that , since is a critical point with the multiplicity . Reducing if necessary, such that . is hyperbolic when is close to , then the probability measure is not atomic; we have for all . By the construction of the -conformal measure of a rational map ([2]), we know that for every Borel set such that is conformal. For , we have By the uniform Bounded Distortion Property, note that and is a probability measure, then Furthermore, we claim that there exists such that, for all and , In fact, (20) is obvious for , since and . Suppose ; by the uniform Bounded Distortion Property and Koebe Distortion Theorem, it follows that since and . Then so, we get (20).
Step 2. Let be the largest integer such that and let . Then there are three cases.
Case 1. (). By the uniform Bounded Distortion Property, it follows that , since as . By Proposition 9, it follows that since . So, we get with constant independent of ; hence, for some constant independent of , but on the other hand, Then for all , by (20), it follows that so, where .
Case 2. . Noting that then by the uniform Bounded Distortion Property, we have As in Case 1, we have It follows that By (14), , where .
Case 3. . We have By a similar discussion as used in Case 2, then .
Step 3. Since is hyperbolic when is close but not equal to , by Lemma 3, every Fatou component of is a John domain. Noting that is symmetry with the real axis and , then the angle at of two curves and of (or ) is positive. Since as , it follows that as . On the other hand, by Proposition 9, it follows that . Thus, as .
By Steps 1 and 2, for , we have Since we conclude that So, is continuous at .

The Proof of Theorem 1. Since the Hausdorff dimension varies continuously in if is hyperbolic [1, Theorem 11.1] and for , by Lemma 8 and Proposition 10, is continuous for .


The first author was supported by the Construct Program of the Key Discipline in Hunan Province and Science Foundation of Hengyang Normal University of China (no. 12B35). The second author was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds of Central Universities of China (no. 2009QS15). The authors were supported by the NSFs of China (no. 11261002 and no. 11231009). The authors would like to thank the referees for their valuable comments for improving this paper.