Research Article

Normal Weight Estonian Prepubertal Boys Show a More Cardiovascular-Risk-Associated Adipose Tissue Distribution than Austrian Counterparts

Table 1

Descriptive characteristics (mean ± SD) and subcutaneous adipose tissue-topography (SAT-Top) measurements (the thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue in mm at 15 specified body sites: from 1-neck to 15-calf) medians (range) of 553 Austrian and Estonian boys. Statistically significant differences (by Mann-Whitney -test compared) in 15 defined body sites (from neck to calf) to Estonians. Results are expressed as mean ± SD analysed by Student’s t-test (+ , ++ , and +++ ) or as median (25th–75th percentile) and Mann-Whitney -Test (* , ** , and *** ) depending on the distribution of data.

Austrians normal weight 280Estonians normal weight 273

Age11,2 (±0,9)11,0 (±0,7)
Height146,7 (±8,2)147,5 (±7,5)
Weight36,5 (±5,9)37,3 (±5,5)
1-Neck2,8 (2,0–3,9)1,5 (1,0–2,6)0,000***
2-Triceps7,3 (5,9–9,0)6,4 (4,8–8,4)0,000***
3-Biceps3,1 (2,3–4,6)2,7 (1,7–4,5)0,000***
4-Upper back2,6 (2,0–3,6)2,2(1,3–3,6)0,000***
5-Front chest3,2 (2,3–5,6)3,9 (2,2–6,6)0,181 ns
6-Laternal chest2,2 (1,8–3,2)2,3 (1,3–4,9)0,598 ns
7-Upper abdomen2,8 (2,1–5,6)2,5 (1,5–5,5)0,006**
8-Lower abdomen4,2 (2,5–8,1)4,8 (2,5–8,6)0,681 ns
9-Lower back4,7 (3,6–7,4)5,3 (3,2–8,2)0,901 ns
10-Hip3,7 (2,4–6,6)4,7 (2,9–7,7)0,020*
11-Front thigh4,9 (3,8–6,4)4,8 (3,1–6,2)0,026*
12-Laternal thigh6,1 (4,4–7,9)5,1 (3,6–6,8)0,000***
13-Rear thigh4,3 (3,2–6,0)4,5 (2,9–5,9)0,537 ns
14-Inner thigh6,0 (4,5–8,3)5,7 (3,8–7,5)0,002**
15-Calf3,9 (2,9–5,1)3,6 (2,5–4,8)0,013*
BMI16,9 (±1,5)17,0 (±1,5)0,152 ns