Review Article

Broadband over Power Lines Systems Convergence: Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Communications Analysis of Overhead and Underground Low-Voltage and Medium-Voltage BPL Networks

Figure 10

Capacity characteristics of various pure scheme configurations for the aforementioned indicative underground LV/BPL and MV/BPL topologies. (a) 1 × 4 SIMO/LV cumulative capacity. (b) 1 × 3 SIMO/MV cumulative capacity. (c) 4 × 1 MISO/LV cumulative capacity. (d) 3 × 1 MISO/MV cumulative capacity. (e) 4 × 4 MIMO/LV cumulative capacity. (f) 3 × 3 MIMO/MV cumulative capacity. (g) SISO/CC/LV, SISO/XC/LV, 1 × 4 SIMO/LV, 4 × 1 MISO/LV, 4 × 4 MIMO/LV, SISO/CC/MV, SISO/XC/MV, 1 × 3 SIMO/MV, 3 × 1 MISO/MV, and 3 × 3 MIMO/MV capacity CCDF of underground BPL systems [13, 14].