Research Article

Dietary Supplementation of Calendula officinalis Counteracts the Oxidative Stress and Liver Damage Resulted from Aflatoxin

Figure 4

Photomicrographs in liver sections stained with Periodic-Sheif reagent-stain (PAS) for glycogen demonstration from (a) control rats showing a strong reaction of PAS, (b) rats fed AFs-contaminated diet showing a weak reaction in the damaged cell while a strong reaction in intact cells, (c) rats treated with CE1 or CE2 showing different types of reaction as well as strong reaction around the central vein and weak reaction around portal vein of hepatocytes, (d) rats fed with AFs contaminated diet treated with CE1 showing that weak reaction in some damaged cells which scattered in all the section and (e) rats fed with AFs contaminated diet and treated with CE2 showing marked improvement, although low reaction in hepatocytes were still demonstrated (PAS reaction 100).