Research Article

Alternative Hospital Gift Bags and Breastfeeding Exclusivity

Table 1

Contents of gift bags in the study.

Gift bagsContents

COMMERCIALInfant formula samples
Industry coupons for infant formula, baby food and bottles
Industry-printed guide to breastfeeding

BF-INFOBreastfeeding information
(i) How to latch and hold the baby
(ii) Milk production information
(iii) Sore nipples and engorgement
(iv) Storing and handling of breast milk
(v) Diet guide for breastfeeding
(vi) A log to record daily breastfeeding and output (wet and soiled diapers)
(vii) How to express breast milk using a pump
(viii) Combining working and breastfeeding
Breastfeeding resources
(i) Local breastfeeding support group contact information
(ii) Hospital lactation hot-lines
Breastfeeding-friendly  items
(i) Nipple cream
(ii) Disposable and reusable/washable nursing pads
(iii) DVD on correct latching
(iv) Memory bracelet (help remembering the previous nursing side)
(v) Water bottle

PUMPThe same content as BF-INFO bags plus a manual breast pump